

Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama Keeps Going Down the Slippery Slope

"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing an cursing.  Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." (Deut 30:19)

I received a prophetic warning from David Wilkerson today.  I may be able to forward it to you later in the day.  His basic assertion is that the financial "crisis" is basically a judgment "crisis," and that the world is headed for a great cataclysm.  Obama is signing today an order which overturns a President Bush ban on embryonic stem cell research.  It is literally a "life and death" issue, culture of life verses the culture of death.  It reflects the political and life philosophical differences between the Republican and Democrat parties.  Jesus Christ will not stand by and do nothing in the face of such impudency.

This is the age old battle-- those who are for life and those who are for death.  Some may think this too severe, but the last American election was a battle between life and death.  Obama's recent death sentence on human life cells reveals who is winning in America.  A look at history would almost bring the conclusion that the "death" people seem to be triumphant.  While that is not the case, the battle continues to rage, and will continue right up to the time the Lord Jesus Christ appears in glory.

The God-Breathing Word gives us the choice today between life and death.  While the faith of Islam and the face of the majority party in America is a faith of death, the Faith of Jesus is the Faith of Life, and those who claim to have received Jesus and committed their lives in obedience to Him and His Word will categorically reject "the culture of death," and reflect and stand for the culture of Life at every turn. 

Father, in Jesus' Name, by choosing You I have chosen Life.  May my life reflect nothing but that Life revealed only in You.  Amen.

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