

Friday, October 24, 2008

"Now You Will See What I Will Do" (The Blessed Trinity)

"Now you will see what I will do...." (Exodus 6:1-- NIV)

Earlier when the Living Word, Jesus Christ, spoke to Moses from the bush, Moses could not believe.  It was not that he did not "believe in God;" he just could not believe the great promise Jesus was giving him at that bush.  Jesus, Word of the Father, was telling him of "
things not seen," things too good to be true to Moses.  Moses initially was as the people in 6:9.  He had been in the desert for 40 years and could not believe because of "anguish of spirit,"--- "discouragement...."  He finally came around, but it took quite a few incidents before that happened.

You and I should believe the first time we hear the
God-Breathed Word speak.  You and I have the Eternal, Indwelling Word, Jesus Christ.  We have more than any generation before us.  What is the matter with modern Believers?  We should be the most believing people in history.  We have the God-Breathed Word, more history, more testimonies of, "Great is Thy Faithfulness," than those before us. Yet so many are discouraged and still asking, "Is the Lord among us or not?!?"

Lift up your head today.  Jesus Christ, the Word of God, lives in us.  The horizon may look bleak, things uncertain, people around you in fear, unbelief, despair------ "
But they did not heed Moses, because of anguish of spirit (6:9)...."  You and I do not have to be as they.  The Word to us is the same Moses heard nearly 3500 years ago-------
Now you will see what I will do?!?" 

Father, in Jesus' Name, we, of all generations, have no excuse.  Help us to know You expect more, because we have more testimonies of, "Great is Thy Faithfulness."  Amen.   
News, Commentary:

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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Thursday, October 23, 2008


"....But I give myself to prayer."  (Psalm 109:4b)

Young's Literal Translation says, "
and I-- prayer!"  The original text does not have, "But I give myself to."  The, "I," is not the emphasis.  Prayer is.  Whether I pray or not, prayer is still the great overcoming endeavor.  Prayer is not all the psalmist did; but in the midst of great struggle, no matter what happened, no matter how great the trial, his response was---------------- "I...prayer!"

The Lord Jesus spoke to my heart after the revolutions in Eastern Europe in 1989 that I should not forget what I had learned in all the years of working there.  In 1998, I
did make a "Bible run" into a very hostile Middle Eastern country, but I never dreamed He could have been also referring to America. I can tell you that the talk in Washington, DC, is that an Obama presidency could very possibly put the Church in America underground for the first time in our history.  No time for details now.  But----- "What are you prepared to do?"  What if the Church lost its 5013c status?  What if you did not receive tax credit for contributions to the Church, to mission work?  Would you still give?  Now you may respond, "Of course," but make no mistake about it.  There are millions who would just say, "Forget it." 

Psalm 109 is a prayer for "such a time."  It seems to be quite vindictive, and as I was praying it yesterday, I found myself halting, sometimes even cringing during such a prayer.  Verses 6-20 reveal that the persecuted Believer was "taking no prisoners."  He was praying for the absolute destruction of his enemy.  Sounds unchristian?  Maybe, but I say the Church Universal needs such warrior praying.  Now we don't pray for the death and destruction of the wicked.  But we
do pray for the death and destruction of wickedness in the land!!  Pray for the failure of every endeavor of the wicked, and that the Church of Jesus
rises triumphant to lift high the Lord Jesus Christ, His Blood, His Cross, His Kingdom.  The "
God-Breathed" Word commands, "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority....For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth"------ and the Way, and the Life, Jesus Christ!

Father, in Jesus' Name, as most Americans, I never thought "it could happen here."  I pray it doesn't.  But if it does, "I--- prayer!"  Amen.
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"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Sweet To Him"

"May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD."  (Psalm 104:34)

Autumn is my favorite time of the year.  Trouble is, it lasts such a short time.  You try to make it last, but, alas, all too soon it is gone.  How much of life seems to be like this.  The best things go so quickly.  The bad things last so long. 

The psalmists prays that his "
meditation be sweet to Him...."  This is sweet meditation indeed.  It is not "sweet" inner dialogue, discovery or finding of one's self.  This is " Him," the Living Triune God revealed solely in Jesus Christ.  This is, "bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...."  And this meditation, as Psalm 4 says, puts "gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased."

So much of spiritual endeavors are about us---- worship, preaching, teaching, service, etc.  "What a great worship time, what great teaching, what great mission trip."  Nay, rather, "I wonder how
all of this is "sweet to Him."  The psalmist had the heart of God------- "to Him."  Whatever you think and do today, take this attitude with you----- "May my (everything) be sweet to Him." 

Father, in Jesus' Name, too much of my life has been a search for what is "sweet to" me.  May all from now on be "
sweet to [You]."  Amen.
November 4-19 Mission to Berlin & Romania
Kingdom News:

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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And There Are So-Called Christians Who Intend to Vote For This Man

"…as president, I will place the weight of my administration behind the enactment of the Matthew Shepard Act to outlaw hate crimes and a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act to outlaw workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. As your president, I will use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws. …Unlike Senator Clinton, I support the complete repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)."  (Barack Obama)

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Beware the Immunity Dose

"Yes, he humbled teach you that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD."  (Deuteronomy 8:3--NLT)

You have heard it before.  This is my testimony.  And I really wonder if anyone or any nation ever learns the declaration of our text any way other than, "
He humbled you...."  In two weeks, we will find out if America has.

If anyone's Bible reading comes primarily from a devotional, a teaching CD, the radio, television, church services, etc., they are robbing themself.  They are just getting small doses.  And reception of regular small doses can be an immunity dose---just enough of the real thing to make you
immune to the real thing.  "....Exposing [someone] to an immunogen in a controlled way, their body can learn to protect itself:  this is called active immunization." (Encyclopedia)  This has been going on in the American church for decades.  It is "controlled," so you "can learn to protect [your]self" from the "God-Breathed" Word, "the Mind of Christ."

People who want to control others don't want them to take massive doses of The Word of God.  They want them to take just enough so they won't really get the "disease" of the real thing.  They really don't emphasize Bible reading, because people just may find something which will liberate them from inordinate dependency on others. That is why Satanic forces took the "
God-Breathed" Word and the Prayer of Jesus out of the state school system in America, and most congregations around the world.  They wanted control--------- and got it.  Now, in America, millions of Christians and whole congregations are being duped by the Democrats, Obama, and Biden, facilitated by an antiChrist media.  Here is the warning to the Church, indeed, the nations: "....People are destroyed for lack of knowledge" of "My Word." 

Don't be fooled by the pop culture religion served in much of the world.  Ask, "Is this national, ethnic, gender, youth, Republican, Democrat, evangelical, charismatic culture; or is this the Culture of the Kingdom of Heaven?  We will only be able to answer this, repent, and live the Kingdom Life if we are living by massive doses of the Word of God, which is nothing less than "
the Mind of Christ."  And it is "the Mind of Christ" alone which saves.

Father, in Jesus' Name, Holy Spirit, convict me any time I live
"by" anything except "every Word that proceeds out of [Your] Mouth."  Amen.

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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Monday, October 20, 2008

"Proclaim...His Salvation....Declare His Glory...."------ Jesus Christ

"Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.  Declare His glory among the nations...." (Psalm 96:2b, 3a)
"Proclaim the good news" and "Declare His glory...."  This is the call of the Believer in Jesus Christ--------------- "from day to day!"  In reality, "His glory" is "the good news."  Paul speaks of glorying in the Cross of Christ, "the Good News."  The Bible says that we see the "glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."  In fact, the "Good News of His salvation," indeed, the revelation of the Living Triune God and Christianity Itself is Jesus Christ.  What a privilege to "proclaim" and "declare" such a Savior!
Some have been praying through the Psalms during this month.  The Psalm of our text says in verse 5, "For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the LORD made the heavens."  The choice is before us every day, and it is before America literally as never before.  Will we serve "idols," or will we serve "the LORD (Who) made the heavens," Jesus, "Word of God?" 
It begins with you and me, with our local church.  And if we are anything of what we claim, it will spread "among the nations."
Father, in Jesus' Name, may I be a fulfillment of our text.  Amen.
* In the coming days, I will try to send a devotional and devotional/commentary separately.  Maybe a sort of "end of day."
* News and Commentary go to:
* Pleased Pray for the Mission to Berlin and Romania:  November 4-19 
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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