

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Choose You This Day" Or Someone Will Choose For You

"Servants of the word." (Luke 1:2)
The makers of "The Third Jihad" are offering a free showing today of their documentary.  Just type in-- Free showing of the third jihad-- in your search bar.  People who have AOL may have difficulty opening it.  I would suggest that you try another free server.  Firefox is a good one.  I saw this film while attending a pro Israel event in Washington, DC last May.  It is worth the viewing. 
America has been at war with the Arab/Islamic World ever since it was the first nation to recognize Israel as a sovereign nation in its homeland of 3500 years.  In fact, the West has been at war with the Arab world for many, many centuries.  Judgment would be understandable on the United States of America whose Current Administration, including many in the Congress, American church, media, and entertainment are blatantly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic, and have chosen the side of the enemies of the Cross of Christ. 
Wherever you live in the world, if you are a Follower of Jesus Christ, an obedient "servant of the Word," you are at war also.  Maybe you don't think so, but the enemies of the Cross of Christ do.  President Bush is hated in America and around the world not because of his policies, not because he is a Republican, but because during the 2000 presidential primary he identified himself with Jesus Christ.  If you are out for self preservation, you won't want to make the same mistake!
There was a documentary made in 1973 by a British company, entitled, "The World at War."  It was about Word War Two.  We are now involved in World War Three.  While we "wrestle not against flesh and blood," we do wrestle.  The Greek word is one of intense violence.  This is what you "signed up" for whether you realize it or not.  I am quite frankly increasingly angry at a brand of Christianity which keeps trying to improve sales by deceiving people into a self realization, self centered, bless me, prosper me, make me happy religion.  But perhaps the real anger should be towards those who allow themselves to be so cheaply taken in by the deception.
Five days after September 11, 2001, I was on a plane to Israel, not because of some John Wayne syndrome, but because I was determined that the Arab/Islamic world would not win another battle of intimidation.  I am not a brave person.  I do not have a death wish.  My only "wish," my prayer, is that I remain among the faithful "servants of the word," the Lord Jesus Christ, for the remainder of my days.  I pray the same for you.
Father, in Jesus' Name, may it be so.  Amen.
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"The Glory of God" Is "In the Face of Jesus Christ"

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork."  (Psalm 19:1)

The heavens declare the glory of God," but not God Himself.  Only Jesus Christ can do that.  We are not pantheists.  I might say here that where Jesus Christ is not central in worship, whatever is going on is nothing but idolatry.  And lest we descend into some "glory of God" religion which is not centered in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit tells us, "For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

The heavens declare the glory of God," but not "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God."  This is only Jesus, Word of the Father, Whom Psalm 19 goes on to describe as, "perfect-- sure-- right, giving joy to the heart-- radiant, giving light to the eyes-- pure, enduring forever--, altogether righteous-- more precious than gold-- sweeter than honey,"---------- our very, very "great reward" indeed!

Father, in Jesus' Name, may I glory in nothing else and none other than [
Your Glory] in the face of Jesus Christ."  Amen.
*     News, Commentary:

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rejected? You're in Good Company

"He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me." (Luke 10:16)

The rejection of Jesus Christ was a rejection of everything about Jesus--- His Person, His Life, His Words, His Father, His Followers. It was and is a rejection of the challenge He brings to our pride and self-centered lives.  Perhaps conviction is the key word here.  My Dad used to say, "Watch the person who makes you the most angry.  They probably are exactly who you need."  I am not so egotistical as to think that everyone who rejects me rejects Jesus Christ.  There are things about me
I "reject."  But I can say with the same certainty that many people who have rejected me over the years have indeed rejected Jesus Christ, His Words, His Kingdom-------- in favor of themselves, their words, and their kingdoms.

While many of us do experience rejection because of undesirable characteristics, the truth is, much of our rejection in life is due to Jesus Christ living and reigning in us.  Today, don't take that rejection so personally.  Jesus said, "
My teaching is not my own.  It comes from him who sent me."  If our lives and mouths speak the "teaching" of Jesus-------------------------------------------- then, let come what may.

Father, in Jesus' Name, may any suffering which comes my way be for you and not for me.  Amen.
* Israel Mission:                    Oct. 16- 25 (Send Contributions to: FHMP)
* Berlin, Albania Mission:     Oct. 30-Nov. 16
* News, Commentary, Analysis:
* Preaching in the CCE meetings this coming weekend

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"I Am Your Reward" (The Lord God to Abraham)

"....From men of this world whose reward is in this life...." (Psalm 17:14a)

Weather forecasters know nothing "for sure."  Once in a while you will see a 100% chance of rain, but very rarely.  Years ago I heard an astronaut say that it's not weather forecasting; it's "weather guessing."  This is life.  This is life for everyone, even the Believer in Jesus Christ.  Talk of "promises" all you may, there is a scary reality, at least for those "
whose reward is in this life."  No one knows anything about tomorrow.  Remember September 11, 2001?--- bright sunny day, business as usual in America.  Then..................

Olimpia's death was a terribly blow to me and Sarah.  We were only with her a few times in this life, but what a joy she was to be around.  Now she is gone from us.  So many questions have so few answers that really satisfy.  But what our Lord Jesus said at Lazarus' tomb has
stayed with me for decades.  "
I am the resurrection, and the life: he who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:  and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die."  Those "whose reward is in this life" will find little if any comfort in this claim and promise.  It has kept me alive.

Father, in Jesus' Name, You are to me as You were to Abraham, "
I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward."  Comfort all who mourn today with these words and Your Word, Jesus Christ.  Amen.
See report that Al Qaeda threatens Germany with 9/11 style attack-----very soon:  

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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