

Monday, December 23, 2013

An Ancient Prayer Walker

"And I went out by night through the Valley Gate to the Serpent Well and the Refuse Gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and its gates which were burned with fire."  (Nehemiah 2:13)

Nehemiah was a "prayer walker."  His on site observation gave him insight as to the needs of the situation.  I know people say, "Well, I don't know why you have to go to such and such a place.  Can't you pray for those situations from your own house."  Of course you can, and of course you do.  But there is something about being "there" which the alternatives just cannot accomplish.  You have heard and probably uttered the statement, "I never forget a face."  That is not really something to be proud of.  We all remember more what we see more than what we hear.  So, if you remember someone's face but not his name, this is the reason.  "On site with insight," is more than just a clever phrase, because though we may hear of needs and situations in far away places, there is nothing like being in those places to pray, according to the will of God.  Regardless, the Bible is full of such people as Nehemiah.  I have personally recognized the validity of, "view[ing] the walls...."  Those who invest in what we are doing are investing in such mission ventures.

Right now, we are praying about a possible similar mission to Bosnia.  Much of what Nehemiah describes in our text is true of Bosnia, "....walls...broken and its gates which were burned with fire."  The devastation and atrocities of which we heard back in the 1990s is an ever-present reminder that autocratic despotism and evil did not die with Stalin and Hitler.  Similar atrocities are right now in progress in Sudan, Syria, North Korea, and many other places in the earth.

Nehemiah went to observe the situation in the Capitol City of the Jews.  Today, you and I are called in Jesus Christ to see as Wesley stated, "The World is my parish."  We celebrate this Christmas Season and every Christmas the great giving act of the Blessed Trinity, "For to you is born...a Savior Who is Christ the Lord."  This Savior, Jesus, is the Savior not just of Jews or Americans or Africans or Asians.  He is the Savior of the whole World.  Now, as citizens of His Kingdom, our King Jesus is still commanding us to, "Feed My sheep," wherever and whomever they may be.  Prayer and investing resources is a double-edged sword in the battle for the hearts and minds of mankind.  Consider such opportunities during this season of gift giving.

Father, in Jesus' Name, give me strength, health and grace to continue to, "view[] the walls... which [are] broken down and...gates which [are] burned with fire."  Amen.
2013 Missions:  Berlin, possible mission to Bosnia
January 16:  Briefing on Jerusalem, Berlin, and Albania Mission.  Contact me for time and place

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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