

Friday, May 15, 2009

"Let...Love Continue"

"Let brotherly love continue."  (Hebrews 13:1)

This is very close to the "shortest verse" in the Scriptures.  It is clear, succinct.  The command to love is in other portions of the "
God-Breathed" Word.  Of love here, however, the Holy Spirit says, "Love [must] continue."  Love must continue in marriages, in families, in churches, in communities.  Even though the Greek word in our text is the word for friendship, the love for the brethren, it is no less significant.  Just watch our Lord Jesus moving among men and society with the disciples, men who showed the same traits as modern Christians.  This is how it is done. 

We all get exasperated at times with people.  But the command has no conditions.  It is not, "
Let brotherly love continue" as long as everyone demonstrates "brotherly love" to you, is to your liking, agrees with you, does everything you wish--------- just, "Let brotherly love continue."
Perhaps to give us a little practical approach, we could say, "Let patience continue."

Father, in Jesus' Name, remind me every time I minimize Your commands.  Amen.
Israel/American/EU relationship articles:

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

"How Awesome And Fearfully Glorious Are Your Works!"

"Say to God, How awesome and fearfully glorious are Your works!  Through the greatness of Your power shall Your enemies submit themselves to You [with feigned and reluctant obedience]. (Ps. 66:3-Amp)
This is the 14th of the month; hence, I'm reading Psalms 66-70.  I was looking out the window as I was beginning to write this, and we had a sudden cloud burst.  It may sound elementary, but in reality it is beyond the human mind.  How did all this come to be?  How is it all sustained?  This whole thing called creation and life just could not have "happened," big bang, amoeba, or whatever.  The Sun, rain, day, night, the plants, animals, the gorgeous mountains, streams, oceans, human body-----Chance?  That is more difficult for me to believe than all is the Masterful work of The Creator.  "Say to God, How awesome and fearfully glorious are Your works!"
But then we come to Gethsemane, the Trial, the Blood stained Via Dolorosa, Jesus on the Cross, the Resurrection, and suddenly the Darwinian-Creationism debate shrinks into insignificance.  The Word "humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."  He is "God with us," God among men, surrendering Himself willingly as the Passover Lamb of God, Jesus, Savior, King-- be praised forevermore.
Father, in Jesus' Name, my mind cannot grasp You or Your works, but my obedience is not feigned.  Amen.
Continuing News on PM Netanyahu's visit to the US @:
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Your Enemies Will Dream.., But All To No Avail"

"All the nations fighting against Jerusalem will vanish like a dream!  Those who are attacking her walls will vanish like a vision in the night.  A hungry person dreams of eating but is still hungry.  A thirsty person dreams of drinking but is still faint from thirst when morning comes.  In the same way, your enemies will dream of a victorious conquest over Jerusalem, but all to no avail."(Is 29:7,8 NLT)
(Note article below!)
I was warned last evening on a conference prayer call that if someone were to complain about my "inflammatory rhetoric," FHMP could lose its 501c3 (non profit) status.  My only thought was, "If there are people who can be held hostage by any government just over a tax break, then I want nothing to do with them anyway."  What would you do if you did not receive a tax deduction for your tithe and offerings?  Charles Simpson once said, "Taking the path of least resistance makes both rivers and men crooked."  The history of man is an unshakable affirmation of this truth. 
Our text is a solemn warning to the nations who plan and "dream of a victorious conquest over Jerusalem," or over any other purpose of the Blessed Trinity revealed in Jesus Christ.  They are on an "all-to-no-avail" path.  We daily face the choice to take the path of least resistance, to go along with the government, the employer, the family, and friends who want an easy life.  But life for a Believer in Jesus Christ is only "easy" when we walk in obedience to Jesus and His Word.
Some have asked how to pray for the upcoming visit of PM Netanyahu on May 18.  First, read the article on the Blog site to which I refer below.  It explains the reason Netanyahu did not come for the conference I attended.  Second, realize that Obama's roots are in Islam, not in Jesus Christ.  He will attempt, as did many of his predecessors, to bully Nethanyahu to give up Jerusalem and more "land for peace," which is the biggest farce in modern American diplomacy.   And be sure to read also the article by Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post which I sent last evening.  One prayer suggestion is to pray Psalm 33:10, 11, "The LORD nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples.  The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation." 
Father, in Jesus' Name, "let all the earth fear You....Nullify the counsel of the nations....Frustrate the plans of the peoples."  I affirm Your degree, "The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of Your heart from generation to generation.  Let those who dream of "a victorious conquest over Jerusalem" be "put to shame."  Amen.
(Be sure to read the article which is from an Arab source, and reveals the Olympian attitude of Barack Hussein Obama.)
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How Do You Respond To Change?

"'For his letters,' they say, 'are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible.'" (2 Cor. 10:10)
I am writing this in a "Starbucks" coffee shop.  What a day.  When I started in "full time" ministry over 45 years ago, I used a mimeograph machine to put out a bulletin.  We were on a "party line" phone system. If you were out and needed to call someone, that's right, the old smelly phone booth.  Of course, gasoline was only 25 cents a gallon, and I could go about 140 miles on a dollar's worth in our 1964 VW Bug.  My college tuition for a semester was $300.00.  No, your eyes are fine.  
45 years later, I am not preaching or teaching much by "bodily presence," but I am serving Believers in Jesus Christ through "letters" literally around the world, Europe, Africa, and who really knows where else.  I have people tell me that they forward these devotionals to their friends in "other countries."  I am thankful that I can be of whatever service I can to the People of Jesus Christ.  I have observed and learned over the years that adaptability is the key to "overcoming," to victory in life.  The greatest military commanders in history were those who went into battle with a plan, but were geniuses at adaptability.  Nagumo said of the Japanese plan for the attack on Midway in June of 1942, "Yes, we can achieve a great victory
------------ provided Nimitz and Halsey do exactly as you plan."  They didn't.  The rest is history. 
Many people rejected Paul's "speech," but "his letters" live on.  What has happened in your life which presented the need for change?  Have you?  Or do you just keep insisting that your original "plan" was good, and you just need to keep pressing through?  That approach can lead to a great defeat.  Sending things over the Internet does not do much for ego.  You don't know where they are going, or how they are received, you do not "see" or "hear" much response.  But then, why am I "in this?"  Well, I am not in a, "this."  I am in Jesus Christ, serving in His Kingdom and serving His Church just because of Him.  "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only but to all them also that love his appearing."
Father, in Jesus' Name, faithfulness to You is enough.  Amen.
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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