

Friday, June 17, 2016

"Whose Heart Is Set On Pilgrimage"

"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage." Or, "Blessed and greatly favored is the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion" (Psalm 84:5, Amplified Bible).  "Righteousness will go before Him and shall make His footsteps our pathway." (Psalm 85:13)

This has been another one of those, "I-never-saw-that," Bible reading days.  If you are reading the Bible looking for something, you will rarely, if ever, experience this.  If you are reading the Bible looking for Some One, it will be a regular occurrence.  Our texts are from two Psalms. 

First, and I always love this about, "The Word of God," Jesus is not so much a "giver" as the, "I Am."  Psalm 27 says, "The Lord is the strength of my life."  Our text says that my, "strength is in You."  All that Jesus has for the human race is in Him, not "from" Him.  Can you see with me today the utter, deeply personal nature of this?  The Deist's God is afar off, as is Allah and all other, "gods many."  The Blessed Trinity, however, is Our, "....very present (right here, right now, in me) Help."

Secondly, notice that the, "Blessed," person is also the person, "whose heart is set on pilgrimage," viz., he/she is going somewhere, but not just anywhere of some random, self-centered choice.  It is, "Blessed is the man whose...heart is set on pilgrimage," a journey, if you will, which is laid out in, "His footsteps our pathway."  The Amplified and other versions add, "to Zion," which to me just emphasizes more the reality that my life's journey has, "strength," only in Jesus, and the objective of my life's journey is "where" Jesus is "going," Jesus' Purpose, Jesus' Will, Jesus' "Goal."  This is all an amplification of Jesus' Words to you and me in John 12:26, "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Meand where I am, there My servant will be also."

Churches and "ministries" love to have meetings in order to "set goals."  Psalms 84:5 and 85:13 do that for us.

Father, in Jesus' Name, in a world of so much bluster, but so little strength, I thank You that my, "strength is in You," that You have given me a, "heart...set on pilgrimage," and, "[Your] footsteps (are) our pathway."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Which Way Are You "Turning"

"The children of Ephraim, being armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle." (Psalm 78:9)

Several verses in the rest of the Psalm give the reason they, "turned back in the day of battle....They did not keep the covenant of God; they refused to walk in His law, and forgot His works and His wonders that He had shown them....They did not believe...God, and did not trust in His salvation."  There was hope for Israel, however, just as there can be hope for the United States of America and any nation, "When He slew them, then they sought Him; and they returned and sought earnestly for GodThen they remembered that God was their rock, and the Most High God their Redeemer." 

If you read all of Psalm 78, you will see not only how it applies to nations, but how it applies to our lives.  There are such phrases as, "He did miracles," then, "They forgot what He had done....He guided them.  But they continued to sin against Him....Time after time He restrained His anger....But they put God to the test."  Yet, in all our wickedness, the Bible reveals the "long-suffering" of King Jesus.  Time and again there is the call to repentance, and the accompanying forgiveness and restoration of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Psalm 79 says, "Do not hold against us the sins of past generations; may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need.  Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for Your Name's sake.  Why should the nations say, 'Where is their God?'"  Now you can see why I talk of the Bible as the greatest Prayer Book ever.  I prayed/pray this for America.  Whatever nation you live in, pray this for that nation.  I pray this for the Church.  The Cross of Jesus reminds us that He does, "deliver us and forgive our sins for [His] Name's sake."  

Father, in Jesus' Name, "Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of Your Name."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"The Light Shines In The Darkness"

"The merchants among the peoples will hiss at you; you will become a horror and no more forever." (Ezekiel 27:36, from today's Major Prophets reading)

Roman Agora in Tyre (Wikipedia User: Heretiq)
Some of the ruins of the once mighty Phoenician City of Tyre, which is referred to in our text. 
The Bible is the best "newspaper" you will ever read.  Our text speaks of a proud, seemingly invincible city, yet in its rejection of the reign of God, well, the photo says everything.

The Empire of Japan, The Third Reich (The Third which had to replace the First and Second), the British Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, the Roman, Grecian, Persian, Assyrian, Egyptian Empires--------- all gone.  The United States of America is no different.  One of the reasons Jesus raised up America was to facilitate the rise of the last State of Israel, by "last," I mean the Israel, with its capitol, Jerusalem, "the City of the Great King," to which Jesus, the King of the Universe, will come at His Second Appearing. 

The United States of America may survive til the Second Appearing of Jesus.  But I can tell you that no nation, not even Israel, saw it's "empire" last when it fell into rebellion, idolatry, and rejection of the Reign of, "The King of the Jews," and, "Lord of lords, and King of kings," Jesus.  Now I know that most in American Christendom do not believe this about America, and the reason is simple: They do not take the Bible seriously.  To them the Bible is devotional reading, preaching/teaching material, that's it.  

A politician recently said of the current American election season, "This is a dark election." This is an absolutely perfect description.  You and I, however, need not be discouraged to the point of defeat.  Of course we do not want to see America descend into "darkness," even though the last 55 years have seen increasing signs of decay.  Those whose hope, however, is Jesus Christ, "walk in the light as Jesus is in the light," because Jesus is, "The Light of the world." 

If indeed, "This is a dark election," it is only because Jesus Christ has been rejected by the majority of Americans.  Yet, I can encourage you today with the reality that the Followers of Jesus, The Church, has survived through the centuries in the face sometimes of what has seemed to be overwhelming odds.  But you and I take comfort today in, "The Word of God," who says to us, "....I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail...."  Let your loyalty, commitment be to Jesus, His Church, His Kingdom Reign.  "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot comprehend ('overtake, capture, seize tight hold of')," The Light, Jesus, and us in Jesus.

Father, in Jesus' Name, "My hope is built ON NOTHING LESS, than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


"I made my works great, I built myself houses, and planted myself vineyards."(Ecclesiastes 2:4)

The NIV says, "I undertook great projects: I built...for myself...."  From what I gather in the Interlinear, it can mean, "I made to me...."

This attitude is the great nemesis of life, not just "religious life."  Everyone who does something, "....for myself/to me," Jesus teaches, "will lose it."  If I build with others and for others, "great projects," will last, will keep bearing fruit, will spread, even to other nations.  A life turned inward, will take its, "projects," with it when he/she dies.  Turn outward in attitude and service, and it is literally, "a gift that keeps on giving."

The "lesson," the life principle from our text is the same as that which our Lord Jesus Christ teaches, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself...and follow Me."  Key here is, "deny...and follow."  This is totally contrary to human nature.  This can only be a reality when human nature surrenders itself to Jesus' Nature.  "Christ in you," is the only way I can walk in, "deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow [Jesus]."  This life style is not who you and I are in ourselves.  It is only the life style of one "in whom Jesus Christ lives."   I still think the Global Church needs a "Followers Conference."

What are your "great works/projects," today?  For most of humanity, they are, "I me...."  It's their career, whether "secular" or religious, it does not matter; it is still self-serving.  When our, "works/projects," are in reality for others, even when it is a vocation, it will bring more and greater rewards than the total working to build up one's 401k, one's "ministry," one's anything.  I was particularly caught today by the phrase, "to me."  Those who find life, as did Solomon, "meaningless," and, "vanity of vanities," are those who live, "to me."  Those who find life to be "satisfying," filled with purpose and joy, are those whose, "works/projects," are for the Church, the Kingdom, viz., others.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I reject a life, "to me."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

Monday, June 13, 2016

"....Deliver Us From This Present Evil Age...."

"Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever.  Amen."  (Gal. 1:3-5)

The Greek Interlinear says, "....out of the age having become presently evil."  This is a description of the world, and no less the United States of America.  We now parade evil, celebrate evil, even promote evil.

The tragedy in Orlando, Florida, over the weekend reveals the centuries-old attempt of Arab-Islamism to defeat and conquer Western Civilization.  A former US CIA chief said, "You can always stay out of a war, if you don't mind losing."  We are.  This is the current posture of the current US Administration and Hilary. These are the same people who not only marginalize the threat from the East, but also approve of homosexuality, celebrate it, and want to pass more laws to make it normal in the culture.  Yes, I believe LGBT (or whatever they are called) should be able to vote, shop at our grocery stores, and walk our streets without being accosted.  I do not believe, however, that they should be celebrated.  This is what Hilary and Barack, the Democrat Party and MSNBC and CNN are doing currently in the wake of the Arab/Islamist attack.  And they do this on a consistently regular basis.  This is perversion.

Jesus' directive was, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."  It was not, "Neither do I condemn you; go and enjoy your life."  Yet, modern Christendom has for a large part bought into the pervading, "nice guy" theology, which translated means, "you can do absolutely anything you wish; there are no moral absolutes."  I grew up in a culture which did not celebrate sin; it was mostly an embarrassment.  Today it is the reverse.  If the "church" does not reignite the Authority of the Scriptures, the decline of any nation will just keep accelerating.

Our text reveals the purpose of the Godhead for you and me, humanity, "....that He might deliver usout of the age having become presently evil."  Jesus tells us in Romans 6, speaking of the disease of sin, "For the end of those things is death."  Sin equals death.  Righteousness equals life.  America winks, even smiles and cheers sin.  Any wonder?  We cast out the Prayer of Jesus and the Words of Jesus from the education system.  And now?  People will call this insensitivity.  Is condoning and celebrating sin "sensitivity?!?"  Two evils were portrayed over this past weekend, the evil of Islam and the evil of perversion.  I never want anyone to celebrate any sin in me.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I thank You that You are delivering me, "out of the age having become presently evil."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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