

Friday, January 9, 2009

Who And What Are Shaping Your Beliefs, Opinions, World View??

"Hurry, and say to that young man, 'Jerusalem will someday be so full of people that it won't have room enough for everyone!...For I, myself, will be a wall of fire around Jerusalem, says the LORD, And I will be the glory inside the city....After a period of glory, the LORD Almighty sent me against the nations who oppressed you.  for he said, 'Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession (literally, "the pupil of my eye").  I will raise my fist to crush them, and their own slaves will plunder them.'  Then you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me.'" (The Lord's messenger to Zechariah-- NLT)
Notice the "wall of fire" is a Who, not a what.  Also notice that the angel/messenger says, "The LORD Almighty sent me against the nations who oppressed you."  Nations of the world: Beware!!  
The people who do not take the Bible seriously, and don't know history, will not take seriously or "know" our text.  By now you are probably upset with me because of the inundation of news from Israel which I have sent, but you are getting inundated from every place else, why not from me?!?  By the way, I thought today was the 8th and was ready to go to the rally in Pittsburgh.  Oh well, Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."  My "imagination" was ahead of my "knowledge"---- but according to the genius, "more important."
While I am quoting Einstein, here is another one.  "Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."  Far too many a Christian "uses his own brain too little."  He believes only what others tell him, what he or she reads or hears the  "prophetic gurus" saying, only what the pastor says, etc.  This is dangerous.  Yes, listen to and read others, but only while you are reading the Bible, thinking, meditating, and praying yourself, especially "in the spirit.Then you will be able to judge all things, be able to "try the spirits."  Your beliefs and actions will come from within.  Of course my "views" have been shaped and formed by mentors, but they are mine because I have done what the Bereans did.  "They...searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so." 
Is your world view, politics, economics, understanding of life in general Christ-Centered, Bible based, HOLY GHOST inspired, or just that of others?  Here is my advice to us all today:  "But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life."   (Jude 20, 21)
In the Name of Jesus, "Redeem Israel, O God, out of all their troubles."   Amen.
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"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Best Cure For Getting Over the "Hump"

"The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned."  (Psalm 34:22)
I saw an article yesterday, "Getting over the first Hump Day of 2009."  For so many millions on this planet, all of life is just something to "get over." 
The promise in our text is to every living soul on the planet who lives just for the "weekends" of life.  Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will not "be condemned," literally, "found guilty, punished, will not perish."  There are those who, even after many years of walking as a Believer, still wrestle with their acceptance "in the Beloved."  They walk guilty, punished, and perishing.  Life is one big, depressing "getting over the hump day."
The theology and reality in our text is easy to preach about and "confess," but difficult to receive in our spirits.  If I am in Jesus Christ and He in me, if His Words abide in me, if my life is lived, not just spoken of, as a life of absolute dependency in Jesus Christ for everything, I am not condemned, I am not found guilty, I am not punished, and will not perish.  In fact, it is quite the opposite--- "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," there is no guilt in Jesus, no punishment in Jesus, no perishing in Jesus, just the great promise, "He redeems (ransoms, releases, preserves) the soul of His servants."
Maybe today we just need to discover afresh the simple, yet very costly grace in Jesus Christ.  Simple, because "trust and obey" is the entrance key; costly, because it cost Jesus His Blood, His suffering, His Cross, His grave.  And, you will find another great "discovery" --- His Resurrection power and the best remedy to the "Hump Day" malaise.   We are in Father's love, seated "in heavenly places in Christ Jesus," and here, right there before that computer, right now-----------------------in the Holy Spirit!   
Father, in Jesus' Name, I am worthy only of condemnation.  I receive not what I am worthy of, but what Your Grace bestows.  Amen.    
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A "Spirit" Check

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:3)
The forces of evil won in the recent national elections in America, and America is about to enter one of its darkest periods in its short history. Could it be that professing Christians in America are not poor in spirit, so the Lord had to give our nation to the "rich" in spirit? 
To be rich in spirit is to be proud in spirit, self contained, self reliant, self everything.  The "rich" in spirit will establish their own kingdom, appoint leaders who deny the reign of Jesus Christ, appoint judges who legislate and give approbation to wickedness.  It matters not how many "sinner's prayers" politicians, celebrities, or any of us pray, "worship," read the Bible, are seen carrying Bibles to church services, or "bestow all my goods to feed the poor."  The "rich" in spirit just will not receive the "kingdom of heaven." 
If the Kingdom seems illusive to you today, check your spirit.  If I am rich, i.e., proud and self-centered in spirit, I will not have the Kingdom.  If the modern Church is to have anything of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, if it can be said of us as His Church, "theirs is the kingdom of heaven," it will only be because we are "the poor in spirit."
Father, in Jesus' Name, I pray to be "poor in spirit" and rich in Your Holy Spirit.  Amen. 
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Time and Chance Happen"

"I have observed something else under the sun.  The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle.  The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy.  And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives.  It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place right time."  (Ecc. 9:11-- NLT)

I have wrestled with our text all morning.  It is not something religious people like to consider.  Most translations are less blunt-- "
Time and chance happen to them all."  No matter.  This is a disturbing passage to life's control freaks. 

Some teach that the Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes reflect different "stages" in the journey of Solomon.  Some have said that we need to interpret these passages in light of that journey.  I know that some also say, "this is Old Testament," that we must interpret this passage fulfilled in the New Testament.  Yes, and that is? 

The real "problem" word here is, "
chance."  It stares at us down through the centuries.  What can it possibly mean?  To speak of "chance" just does not fit in our predictable theology.  It frightens most to consider there are some things which will occur, and no amount of praying, fasting, "faithing," will change them.  And there may be another humbling ingredient here.  "Chance" stuff was going on long before you and I were here, and if Jesus tarries, will continue after we are gone.  I could labor Hebrew and Latin roots of the word, but essentially they still come back to, "time and chance happen."

This is an unusual devotional, I know, and I hope and pray it does not leave you with despair.  It will not if for this coming year and the remainder of our pilgrimage here, we "
run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus," and not despair over "chance" stuff, not try to explain it, understand it, or try to save God's reputation by denying it.  I trust that it is not too simplistic for you to join me in saying with the hymn writer,
     "My faith has found a resting place- not in device or creed:
     I trust the ever-living One- His wounds for me shall plead.
     I need no other argument, I need no other plea;
     It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me."

Father, in Jesus' Name, whatever "
time and chance" there may be in life, I commit it all to You.  Amen.

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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Monday, January 5, 2009


"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." 

I want to highlight a point in our text.  "
If you abide in...My words, will ask...."  To put it another way, Jesus is saying that abiding in Him is expressed in abiding in the "God-Breathed" Word and prayer.  There is one reason only that people don't pray regularly or read the Word regularly.  They don't believe "it works."  It is that simple.  And time is not the problem.  Belief is the problem.  There are millions of Americans who spend 8-10 hours per day, at least five days per week at their jobs.  Why?  Their jobs produce something------------a pay check.  They spend long hours at their job, because they know "that [their] labor is not in vain."

If you want a suggestion for a New Year's resolution, I have one.  Demonstrate this year that you believe Jesus Christ is a better Rewarder than that job.  Commit to praying through five Psalms each day, pray in the spirit for one half hour each day, and read the Bible for 15 minutes each day (that's all it takes to read through the Bible in a year).  It is not too late to start.  Prove to yourself that you believe Father hears and instructs through prayer and the "
God-Breathed" Word.  Enough with talk religion.  Demonstrate that you really do believe Jesus when He said, "Apart from Me you can do nothing."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I need you.  I pray that what I do will confirm what I say.  Amen.
I will be preaching this month in our CCE meetings, January 17 & 18)

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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