

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and faithfulness go before You."  (Psalm 89:14, NASB)

This is the Gospel.  This is the Church.  This is the Kingdom, "The Government of God."  

You could give an "altar call" after reading today's text.  
"Righteousness":  Jesus Christ shed His Precious Blood on the Cross so that you and I can have, "....the righteousness of God through the faith of Jesus Christ."  
"Justice:"  In the Blood of Jesus' Cross, justice was executed; hence, you and I have been, "justified by faith," in Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit was manifest to, "convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of justice."  
"Mercy:"  The Cross of Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God's mercy.  
"Faithfulness":   Psalm 100 tells us, "His mercy is everlasting and His truth is to all generation."  There it is:  The Gospel.

But is does not stop with the New Covenant fulfillment in our Salvation in Jesus Christ.  "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your Throne", viz., the Throne of the Kingdom of Heaven/God, in which He rules and sustains the World and Universe, literally, "by the Word of Power."  This can be one reason it is imperative upon all who Follow Jesus Christ to participate, firstly, in prayer for the governments of our respective nations, to vote for, advocate for, and participate in that which most manifests, "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of," Jesus Christ's Throne.  I could write more, but I'll give you a break.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I pray that the, "foundation of Your Throne," will manifest in the coming US elections.  Amen.  

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"
Hebrews 12:2

Monday, October 17, 2022

"....JUST AS...."

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her...."  (Ephesians 5:25)

May I say that this is not just for husbands and wives.  Try it like this:  Church, love each other and humanity, "....just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I pray that I be this.  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"
Hebrews 12:2

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