

Thursday, October 23, 2008


"....But I give myself to prayer."  (Psalm 109:4b)

Young's Literal Translation says, "
and I-- prayer!"  The original text does not have, "But I give myself to."  The, "I," is not the emphasis.  Prayer is.  Whether I pray or not, prayer is still the great overcoming endeavor.  Prayer is not all the psalmist did; but in the midst of great struggle, no matter what happened, no matter how great the trial, his response was---------------- "I...prayer!"

The Lord Jesus spoke to my heart after the revolutions in Eastern Europe in 1989 that I should not forget what I had learned in all the years of working there.  In 1998, I
did make a "Bible run" into a very hostile Middle Eastern country, but I never dreamed He could have been also referring to America. I can tell you that the talk in Washington, DC, is that an Obama presidency could very possibly put the Church in America underground for the first time in our history.  No time for details now.  But----- "What are you prepared to do?"  What if the Church lost its 5013c status?  What if you did not receive tax credit for contributions to the Church, to mission work?  Would you still give?  Now you may respond, "Of course," but make no mistake about it.  There are millions who would just say, "Forget it." 

Psalm 109 is a prayer for "such a time."  It seems to be quite vindictive, and as I was praying it yesterday, I found myself halting, sometimes even cringing during such a prayer.  Verses 6-20 reveal that the persecuted Believer was "taking no prisoners."  He was praying for the absolute destruction of his enemy.  Sounds unchristian?  Maybe, but I say the Church Universal needs such warrior praying.  Now we don't pray for the death and destruction of the wicked.  But we
do pray for the death and destruction of wickedness in the land!!  Pray for the failure of every endeavor of the wicked, and that the Church of Jesus
rises triumphant to lift high the Lord Jesus Christ, His Blood, His Cross, His Kingdom.  The "
God-Breathed" Word commands, "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority....For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth"------ and the Way, and the Life, Jesus Christ!

Father, in Jesus' Name, as most Americans, I never thought "it could happen here."  I pray it doesn't.  But if it does, "I--- prayer!"  Amen.
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