

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Beware the Immunity Dose

"Yes, he humbled teach you that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD."  (Deuteronomy 8:3--NLT)

You have heard it before.  This is my testimony.  And I really wonder if anyone or any nation ever learns the declaration of our text any way other than, "
He humbled you...."  In two weeks, we will find out if America has.

If anyone's Bible reading comes primarily from a devotional, a teaching CD, the radio, television, church services, etc., they are robbing themself.  They are just getting small doses.  And reception of regular small doses can be an immunity dose---just enough of the real thing to make you
immune to the real thing.  "....Exposing [someone] to an immunogen in a controlled way, their body can learn to protect itself:  this is called active immunization." (Encyclopedia)  This has been going on in the American church for decades.  It is "controlled," so you "can learn to protect [your]self" from the "God-Breathed" Word, "the Mind of Christ."

People who want to control others don't want them to take massive doses of The Word of God.  They want them to take just enough so they won't really get the "disease" of the real thing.  They really don't emphasize Bible reading, because people just may find something which will liberate them from inordinate dependency on others. That is why Satanic forces took the "
God-Breathed" Word and the Prayer of Jesus out of the state school system in America, and most congregations around the world.  They wanted control--------- and got it.  Now, in America, millions of Christians and whole congregations are being duped by the Democrats, Obama, and Biden, facilitated by an antiChrist media.  Here is the warning to the Church, indeed, the nations: "....People are destroyed for lack of knowledge" of "My Word." 

Don't be fooled by the pop culture religion served in much of the world.  Ask, "Is this national, ethnic, gender, youth, Republican, Democrat, evangelical, charismatic culture; or is this the Culture of the Kingdom of Heaven?  We will only be able to answer this, repent, and live the Kingdom Life if we are living by massive doses of the Word of God, which is nothing less than "
the Mind of Christ."  And it is "the Mind of Christ" alone which saves.

Father, in Jesus' Name, Holy Spirit, convict me any time I live
"by" anything except "every Word that proceeds out of [Your] Mouth."  Amen.

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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