

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"Remember-- As Though"

"Remember those who are in prison as if you were their fellow prisoner, and those who are ill-treated, since you also are liable to bodily sufferings."  (Hebrews 13:3-- Amplified Bible)

I was scheduled today to be in the Israeli Embassy briefing, VAT meeting, DC prayer on site.  It didn't happen.  I have a totally clogged left ear and a slightly swollen gland.  Last night I was just totally wiped out---- my time-to-time battle with upper respiratory weakness.  I praise The Trinity that I feel some better today; but the harsh reality of life is that every one of us, in some form or other, "
are liable to bodily sufferings." 

Quite often we receive prayer requests for people whom we never met.  They usually come from friends and fellow Believers.  Over the years, the first thought always has been, "Okay, I'll do that;" but I must admit that my heart was not always in it.  Years ago, the Lord Jesus impressed me to just imagine that is your wife, your children, parents, brother, sister.  My praying for unknown folk changed.  It may sound as though Jesus is appealing to our selfishness, but remember; "
Love your neighbor as yourself.

The Contemporary English Version translates the last part of our text, "
Don't forget those who are suffering, but imagine that you are there with them." It makes no difference which translation we read;  the conclusion is the same.  The suffering of humanity reveals just how precarious life is in this present age.  We are all indeed as the hymn writer said, "Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail."  With this in mind, we should understand why the command of Jesus has never changed-------------- "Remember!" 

Our text is in the context of a summary of our "pilgrims'" journey, which includes various commands, exhortations, comforts, warnings.  Yet right in the middle, the "
God-Breathed" Word gives us the great "Why" of all we are and do-- "Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people through His own blood, suffered outside the gate.  So, let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach.  For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come."              

Father, in Jesus' Name, I admit that "identity crises" come when I am the identity.  May You and humanity always be my identity.  Amen.
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