

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Nothing Is More Powerfully True

"My times are in Your hand...."  (Psalm 31:15a)

I know it is not the complete verse, but the sentence is powerful.  Everything about you and me are in the "Hand" of the Living Triune God------ everything.

The world is manifesting just how perverse is humanity's fear, how feeble his condition, how utterly out of control, really not knowing what to do.  Man struts around like a proud peacock, boasting in his achievements, scientific advancements.  And yet, plagues, weather, the journey of the earth around the sun,  just to name a few, reveal just how really beyond his control is most of his life.

So, back to our text, "My times are in Your hand..."----------- as is the Universe. 

Father, in Jesus' Name, there is nothing more clear, more true than all that concerns me is, " Your hand."  Amen. 

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