

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Is This Your Prayer Also?

"Your Words were found and I ate them.  And Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your Name, O Lord God of hosts."  (Jeremiah 1516)

"....Your Words..," referred to elsewhere in Holy Writ as, "the Words of God," and, "Your Word," referred to elsewhere in Scripture as, "The Word of God," our Lord Jesus Christ.

Can you remember when you, "....found and ate them"?  Can you remember also when His Word, even Jesus, became for you, "....the joy and rejoicing of my heart"  I certainly do.  And I'm alive today because of such a "discovery."

Sad that for so many centuries very few Followers of Jesus had access to His Words; they are Jesus' very Breath.  Reformers have referred to those over 1000 years of the dominance of Rome as, "the Babylonian Captivity."  It was.  Keeping, "Your Words," from the Church led to all sorts of superstition (and it wasn't just the absence of the printing press).  Now, however, we have Them/Him.  What are you doing about it?

Father, in Jesus' Name, I so thank You that You brought me to Jeremiah's declaration.  Amen.

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