

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"Your Words...The Delight Of My Heart"

"Your Words were found and I ate them, and Your Words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I have been called by Your Name, O Lord God of hosts." (Jeremiah 15:16, NASB)

I hope and pray you are not tired of this, especially if you have been reading these devotionals over many years.  But Jesus repeats Himself every time we read the Bible, so, here I am.  I say again to you that our text is not religion for me.  This is my life.  50 years ago this summer the unimaginable happened in my life.  Yet, that summer of 1970 I discovered the reality of our text to be beyond Sunday School, sermons, teachings, theological discussions, and the pious platitudes which dominate too much of Christendom.

Jesus, "The Word of God," took me into His Words, aka, the Bible.  In that "slough of despond" summer, it was a literal, "Your Words were found and I ate them, and Your Words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart....  50 years later, I am still being sustained by Jesus, "The Word of God," and His, "Words of God." 

Whatever you may be going through now, I have no other "cure," no other "answer," no other, nor greater hope, confidence, and empowerment than, "Your Words were found and I ate them...."  May they also be for you, "....a joy and...delight of my heart...."

Father, in Jesus' Name, How can I ever thank You for such a "gift" as Your Words.  I agree with Moses, "They are your life."  Amen.

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