

Monday, September 16, 2019

"God Has Gone Up With...The Sound Of A Trumpet"

"God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet."  (Psalm 47:5)

Don't try to exegete this; just enjoy this.  This morning I did it with my shophar.  I do also miss my trombone, but alas, time moves on.

I also had the "experience" which I have had before.  My prayer language at one point "shifted" into that North American Indian sound.  As I considered that, I felt as though Jesus spoke to my heart that the Church will soon be discovering its "roots," or more Biblically perhaps, "foundations."  The previous "word" that the coming revival will not be what is expected came to mind.

Also, I did much singing in the spirit, which is quickly becoming nonexistent in Christendom.  It was/is always glorious for me.  I do it in our church services, though quietly there because the gatherings should be an expression of our "life together," not our private devotions in a public setting.

So there you have it, my friend, a little "day-in-the-life-of" worship, intercession, etc.  And, Never forget:  These "moments" are not just for the "quiet time," or gatherings, or morning devotions, etc.  Everywhere, every moment of the day the opportunities are there to engage in communion in Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit, "....a VERY PRESENT help...." 

"If we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship (partnership),.." in Jesus Christ, Who, as the Ever-Present One, "....has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpetSing praises to God, sing praisesSing praises to our King, sing praisesFor God is the King of all the earth...."

Father, in Jesus' Name,  ....early in the morning my song shall rise to Thee."  Amen.
When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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