

Monday, July 11, 2011

I Received a "Prophetic Word" Today

"So Abram said to Lot, 'Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren.  Is not the whole land before you?  Please separate from me.  If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left.'" (Genesis 13:8, 9)

This time in Genesis I saw something in this passage which is currently going on in Israel and in the so-called "Quartet," the historic ad hoc group consisting of The USA, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations.  It is presumptuous, man attempting to "make right" what he perceives to be the wrongs, the injustices in the world.  

Like so many today, Abraham seems to be very magnanimous in our text.  He is dividing the Land with Lot and giving Lot what seems to be the best of the deal.  To any "moral" observer, this seems perfectly right and just.  Enter the Lord God of the Universe:  
"Abram, this land is yours and I gave it to your descendants who are to come, those of Isaac, and Jacob.  You have no right to divide this Land.   This is My Land and I have a purpose for it.  You do not have the right, nor does anyone else to determine what is fair, what is just, what is moral.  I decide that.  Your morality is not My morality.  Later generations will judge Me and My Word as cruel, prejudiced, exclusionary, and, as a result, will develop gods and religions which suit their world view and perceptions of morality, goodness.  Many who call themselves "the people of God" will also do this, though they will do this secretly so as to be included in their particular religious groups.  If you are going to walk with Me, you had better accept, as I will later declare through one of My prophets, 
'I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is            none like Me.' 
Understand this Reality, walk in this Reality, and you will walk in  righteousness, power, and victory." 

All the teaching of Jesus confirms this "word."  This word which, if I may so say, was a prophetic "word" spoken to me as I considered our text, is to me so alive and at work this very moment, right in the Capitol of the United States of America, The EU, Russia, the United Nations, and the entire global Gentile world.  In the last battle of Planet Earth, King Jesus will emerge victorious over all, confirming and affirming His Eternal Words.  Those who have walked in obedience to Jesus and His Words will also emerge in Him, some from great suffering and rejection, to Eternal Victory. 

Father, in Jesus' Name, I thank You for still speaking, still confirming Your Words.  Amen.
Please pray with us about a possible prayer conference with the African congregation in Berlin, September, 2011.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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