

Friday, July 10, 2009

Looking For Help?

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, even though....................." (Psalm 46:1, 2a) 
This Psalm declared a new, fresh, powerful victory to me today.  It was as though I could hear our Lord Jesus Christ declaring from The Throne to His Church, "'Before Abraham was, I Am" your "refuge and strength," not afar off, but right there, in you-------------------  in the eternal now!" 
Our text first declares Him to be, "Refuge," literally, "a shelter to flee to for protection."  The word here is translated elsewhere, "hope, trust."  Secondly, we see that The Blessed Trinity is also our "strength," from a word which means, "force, security, majesty, praise," and translated elsewhere, "boldness, loud, might, power, strength, strong."  Thirdly, The Living Triune God is our "very present help," period, but especially, "in trouble."  So if you are in "trouble" today, rejoice; you have all the refuge and strength you need in our Father, our Jesus, and Our Holy Spirit, "a very present help," literally, "an abundantly available help," right now, right there, in you, here in me-----------forever-------------- eternally. 
So here is my summation of our text today:  God, revealing Himself in Jesus Christ, 'Immanuel, God with us,' is a shelter to flee to for protection; He is our hope and trust.  The Blessed Trinity is our strength, our boldness, loudly declaring His faithfulness, His protection, His majesty, reminding us that He alone is our might, our power, our strong Protector, our "abundantly available [24/7] help." 
I am not ignoring our privilege and responsibility as His Church, to show friendship and compassion, share prayer support and try to help all we can.  But our God, Who "became flesh and dwelt among us" in Jesus Christ, is Himself the only never sleeping, indefatigable One Who can say, "'I will never (positively never) leave you nor forsake you.'  I alone Am your 'Refuge and Strength,' your Only 'Very Present, Abundantly Available Help.'"  Now I can really say, "Have a great day!"
Father, in Jesus' Name, day by day, moment by moment You never cease to amaze me.  Amen.
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 "Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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