

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Called "To Run On Errands"

"And say to Archippus,'Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.'" (Colossians 4:17)

I was in an instrumental group in high school.  We played for weddings, dances, entertainment.  One time at a rehearsal we thought it would be "entertaining" to switch instruments.  The piano player could also play the trumpet, and I had a great time on the drums.  The problem was, no one else could play the bass.  It just didn't sound right.  I wonder why?!?

Have you ever noticed in the church that something just does not "sound right" when people are doing something which others should be doing, not because they are incapable of doing it, but because it is just not their "instrument?"  Archippus "
received" a "ministry."  He was commanded to, "fulfill it," i.e., what he was given "in the Lord" Jesus Christ, and not what someone else was given.  It is so sad to see how religious people have made certain "ministries" paramount, thus leaving aspiring servants of the Lord Jesus spending the rest of their lives trying to fulfill someone else's call.

The word translated, "
ministry," is diakonia, from which we get the word, "deacon," which means, "attendance, servant, aid."  It is what the Interlinear Bible says is "from an obsolete, diako, (to run on errands)." Apparently it is too "obsolete."  How refreshing it would be in the Church to see attendants, servants, those who "run on errands," rather than so many aspiring to Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. 

Our Father gave you and me Himself in Jesus Christ.  And He gave you and me a service in His Kingdom and Church "to run on errands."  I can think of no higher calling.  Now----------------------------- "
fulfill it."

Father, in Jesus' Name, may I aspire to nothing but "to run on [Your] errands," and be Your "aid."  Amen.

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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