

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Love of Jesus Christ-- Remedy Against Failure

"Love never fails." (1 Corinthians 13:8)
The word for, "love," in our text is translated, "Charity," in the KJV.  In my opinion, it is the best description of love.  Charity gives, as Jesus said, "expecting nothing in return."  My Dad once said, "Love is doing loving things."  Maybe that is where so many fail--- "Love is doing...."  The best translation of John 3:16 is, "For God loved the world this way------------- He gave...."  There you have it.  Giving, doing what is best for others, "expecting nothing in return," resisting the opposite of charity, which is selfishness, this will "never fail!"
If you consider our text in context, the conclusion is that everything but this Love of the Father, revealed solely in Jesus Christ, "fails."  If we have failed, others have failed us, if our homes, businesses, churches, schools, steel mills, etc., etc., have failed, then love must not have been involved.  I have no doubt that if that which has failed in our lives would have been immersed in the Love which is Jesus Christ, failures would have been replaced with great success stories.  Just give this "radical" concept a try.    
Father, in Jesus' Name, let me never forget that Your Word applies to everything--------------- everything!  Amen.

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