

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How Good is Your Aim?

"Finally, brothers, rejoice.  Aim for restoration...."(2 Cor.  13:11--ESV)
The word here for, "restoration," means,  to "perfectly join, repair, adjust."  If we "aim for restoration," in marriages, local congregations, among cultures, and ultimately, the world community, a whole lot of "repair" and "adjustment" will be required.  Some people who read my stuff think that I don't like Arabs, Latinos, Blacks, Democrats, or women.  If that is true, then I don't like myself, because everything I share always speaks to my own need of "repair" first.  The Word of God applies to everyone on the planet.  There is just no dispensation for anyone based on "race, creed, national origin," or gender.
Restoration does not take place when everyone around you finally sees things your way.  It takes place when we are all "conformed to the image of His Son," Jesus Christ, and when His Word rules in us.  When our conformation is our gender, our race, our culture, our political party, anyone or anything other than Jesus and His Word, restoration is impossible.  But when Jesus rules in us, we can "aim for restoration" and hit the mark. 
Father, in Jesus' Name, deliver us all from any hidden prejudices which could blur our "aim."  Amen.

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