

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"Since neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small storm was assailing us, from then on all hope of our being saved was gradually abandoned."  (Acts 27:20, NASB)

"....Gradually abandoned..," is not something we want to come into our lives.  

The storm raged on for two weeks.  Try to imagine the terror, horror the men must have felt.  The context tells us that the storm was so violent that eventually they threw everything over board, the cargo, much of what goes into making a ship seaworthy.  And because of what seemed to be a hopeless situation, "....all hope of our being saved was gradually abandoned."

My friend, life has thrown at many of us storms which we thought were the end of us.  But here we are, still pressing on, still loving, surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ.  Let us covenant together that we will not succumb to such a hopeless state.  Just as the angel appeared to Paul and told him that Jesus had a purpose for him that was greater than any storm life could throw at him, so too, it is for you and me.  You and I must believe this so that we also can fulfill our destiny in Jesus Christ, here, and the, "life to come."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I thank You for Your keeping power.   Amen.

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