

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Following Is A Prophecy I Gave Over 16 Years Ago

04:00, Thursday, January 22, 2004 
To the United States of America and the Church in the land:
Why are you crying out to me?  Why are you praying as though The Enemy has destroyed your land?  It was not The Enemy who destroyed your land.  It was I.  In 1962, you told your children that praying to me was no longer important.  In 1963, you told your children that my words were no longer important.  That same year you thought it was some man who took your president.  It was not.  It was you.  In 1968, you thought it was men who took two of your leaders.  It was not.  It was you.  In 1973, your ways of rejecting me manifested in your courts legalizing the murder of my children.  It is not the abortion doctors who are killing your babies.  It is you.  My words are life to those who find them.  You have not found them; you have not cherished them; therefore, you have no life.  
I have said in my word, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness....Therefore I gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts...."  You rejected my truth for a lie.  It was not an enemy or unbeliever who gave you over.  It was I who gave you over.  The fact that you did not want me in your schools and in your government only reflected the fact that you did not want me any longer in your churches.  And all of this was a mere reflection that you no longer wanted me in your families and in you.  You thought you had a better way; so, you rejected my way.  Even today, I am a marginal reference in your meetings.  I have become simply a means to your end.  It is not an enemy who has done this to your land.  It is I who have become your enemy.  You rejected me.  I have rejected you.  Just look around.  What a price you have paid for rejecting me!
I am issuing a last call to repentance.  Away with popularizing my words.  Away with using the Good News of my Son, Jesus, as a means for your profit, as a means to build organizations and call them churches.  Away with referring to me and not depending on me.  Seek me that you may live.  Seek me that your nation may once again be the nation I raised it up to be.  This year will be a year of intense spiritual conflict.  You will see it in your election campaigns.  You will see it in the earth.  I have overcome the world and the only way you will overcome the world is in me.

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