

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Prayer Answered After 52 Years

"Then Jesus answered and said to her, 'O woman, great is your faith!  Let it be to you as you desire.'  And her daughter was healed from that very hour."  (Matthew 15:28)

Our Lord Jesus heard four appeals before He responded with our text. I could spend time speculating on the reasons for this.  But could one possibility be that Jesus was drawing faith from the woman?

You will remember Luke 18:1, "And He told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart."  You know as well as I that so very many prayers we pray are not answered on the "first attempt."  

You will recall the story of George Mueller who right after he surrendered his life to Jesus began to pray for five friends.  One came to Jesus after a few months, two 10 years later, and the fourth after 25 years of praying.  The last one surrender his life to Jesus 52 years later-------- after Mueller died.  I was in my twenties when I first read this.

I guess that about says it for today.

Father, in Jesus' Name, Holy Spirit keep this ever before me.  Amen.

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