

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Who Knows? You Just May....

"The the king promoted Daniel and gave him many gifts; and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon."  (Daniel 2:48)

There is literally no limit to the "heights" to which we can go if the Lord Jesus Christ is orchestrating our lives.

Daniel was promoted to Prime Minister of the world super power at the time.  This was the Lord God's doing.  We can look at our current circumstances and think, "This is it; this is as far as I go in life."  But it is not, that is, if our lives are surrendered to Jesus.  The only "limitation" on us is our obedience and our doing of, "follow the Lamb wherever He goes."

Now the Bible teaches that we are not to seek, "great things for yourself."  But if there are "great things" for which our Lord Jesus Christ has prepared and called us to, then I fear that some of us may not want whatever that is, not because of humility, but because of the "sacrifice," the cost, as in, "take up his cross daily and follow Me." 

I think that there are many of us who are like that would-be disciple who said to Jesus, "I will follow You wherever You goBut first...."  Jesus teaches us that there is no, "but first," in our walk in Him.   Sometimes frustration in following our Lord can come from not getting what we want, having our ambition fulfilled, which in turn leads to us missing the will of God for our lives.

Never think we are too old, too lowly, too whatever to walk way beyond where we are in life.  Never accept the lie which tells us, "You are where you are, just stay there."  Jesus promises you and me, "....a future and a hope," which is defined by our abiding in Him and His purpose for our lives.

Father, in Jesus' Name, as the hymn writer said, "Lead on, O King, Eternal."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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