

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

"Friend of God"?

"The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant."  (Psalm 25:14, ESV)

I am not a "friend of God" because I sing about it.  I can only sing, "I am a friend of God," if I walk in, "the fear of the Lord."  And, contrary to the popular "interpretations" of, "the fear of the Lord," the Word for, "fear," in our text does not mean "awe" or "reverence."  It is, "afraid," or, "fearful."  I have heard over the years so many quote only the first part of Jesus' statement in John 15:14, "You are My friends...."  They "conveniently" and deceptively, I might add, are silent on, "....if you do whatever I command you."

The Word for, "Friendship," in today's text is from a Hebrew Word which means, "alliance of friendship," or, "covenant of friendship."  The margin in the ESV says, "the secret counsel."  I emphasis this so that you and I are very clear that cutesy songs and watered-down exegesis do not change the reality of walking in this life in the fear of living life our own way, doing whatever we desire and then justifying it with, "O, all that talk about, "the fear of the Lord," is not what the Puritan preachers made of it.  It just means that we should respect the Lord."  Good luck with that at, "the judgment Seat of Christ."

I only wish that I would have walked my whole life as, "those who fear Him."  There would have been "mistakes" and sin which I would have avoided.  Today, I fear a day without prayer, a day without His, "God-Breathed," Words entering my being, a day of careless sinning, yes, sins of "commission" and "omission."  I don't claim to understand fully, "for those who fear Him," but I do claim that the Bible declares it of utmost importance. 

This devotional which is based upon our text is not meant to be some "Bible-thumping" old frustrated, mean-spirited preacher.  It is meant to exhort us to realize the glorious peace and happiness in, "The Friendship of the Lord," our Lord Jesus Who comforts us and cautions us with, "You are My friends if...."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I pray for whatever understanding I need to walk as Your "friend."  Amen. 

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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