

Thursday, November 29, 2018

"It Is Better...Than To...."

"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humansIt is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes."  (Psalm 118:8, 9--NIV)

If I read the Interlinear correctly, it states that, "It is better to seek refuge in the Lord than to place your security in humans", and/or, "governments."  It does not marginalize, "humans," or, "princes."  It rather speaks of precedence. 

Our text does not say that we do not need, "humans," nor, "princes."  Our Lord Jesus Christ structured our life in Him and His Church so that we do "need" each other, even governments.  The Bible tells us of governments that they are, "of God."  Indeed, what Dunn said is true: "No man is an Island."  Jesus did not intend anyone to live with an attitude of, "I don't need you."  Yet there is something of paramount importance in our text which is fundamental to our survival, our victory in life. 

I confess that over the years of being less "in the pulpit," and in the daily service as a local pastor I have had a "widening" view of not only the Kingdom of Heaven/God, but also the Church.  No, I'm not going heretical on you, but I want to encourage you in your "out-there" life.  Most of our lives are spent in "the Church scattered," that is, most of us are not in Church gatherings, seminars, worship services 24/7 (Notice where you are right now).  Our text is an encouragement, yes, a command especially when we are alone, out in the culture, " seek refuge in the Lord...."  It is easy to say, "God is our refuge and strength," when with the Brethren.  In a culture dominated by humanism, however, the "support system" is not there.  It rather demands your allegiance to, "humans."

And what about, "princes," their programs, their "social security" systems, their promises, as well as places of employment, unions, retirement "packages," 401ks, etc?  Look at what happened to the giant American steel and coal industries, the thousands upon thousands who lost jobs, houses, retirement places, again, etc., etc.  It was a difficult lesson for many Americans, even American Christians, to realize the Truth of today's text.

Many times in our lives we have faced, and will continue to face, the ever so subtly temptation to, "seek refuge in," everything and everyone around us rather than to, " refuge," and, "security in the Lord [Jesus Christ]."  Let us stand together in love and encouragement in the battle.

Father, in Jesus Christ, I confess that there have been times that I have violated our text, yet did not realize it.  I repent of any such times.  You alone are my, "refuge," and, "security."  Amen.
Planning to be in Washington, DC, on January 3.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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