

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Idols That Breath Oxygen

"Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them....You who fear Him, trust in the Lord...."  (Psalm 115:8 & 11a, NIV)

The context is speaking of the rejection of the Lord God for the idols of, "the nations."  Beware!  Most of these idols breath oxygen, permeate the media, and attempt seduction of the Church.  Most of modern idols are in the "white noise" of which Mumford wrote in the article which I sent yesterday.  And, it is a current plague in Christendom. 

It is not only the incessant flood of the 24/7 news, the incessant "talk show" mumbo jumbo, but also the flood of the cliche-mentality infecting many of today's church-goers.  They can't hear from our Lord Jesus Christ because they are in a swamp trap of what others continually tell them is the secret to "victorious Christian living," the expert "how-to" gurus.  Such people just repeat what these "experts" say, and call it "the word of the Lord."  This is extremely dangerous for the future of those so enslaved. 

We need to think for ourselves, read for ourselves, and pray ourselves.  This is not a call to some sort of "rugged individualism," nor a rejection of gift-ministry-teaching, nor refusing to gather regularly with other Followers of Jesus Christ.  But if today's Church is going to hear Jesus "speaking" to us, we need to have in reality, and not in talk only, a "personal relationship with Christ."  When some leader has too much influence, and dare I say it?-- admiration from his/her followers, the danger increases greatly that a people will emerge in Christendom who are nothing but clones of the latest whatever.

The article which I have sent to our News Blog, and am heartily recommending, reveals just how much the world culture has bought into the deception and lies of others.  Read it and you may gain some more understanding of what I am attempting to relate.  Lies come easy.  Truth comes in great warfare.

Father, in Jesus' Name, "keep me near the Cross, there a precious fountain...."  Amen.
There is something going on in South Africa which I predicted decades ago.  You will mostly likely never hear this in the media.  Read it at:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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