

Friday, October 6, 2017

Some Thoughts From Matthew 6

"....For where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also."  (Matthew 6:21, Amplified Bible)

There was a book which was somewhat talked about when I was in college, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter.  I never read it, but understood that it was about several characters who felt isolated and alone in life.  Now each had a different reason for their perceived isolation, but the title reveals that the lonely heart is the heart continually searching for meaning, security and peace in life.  You have heard the phrase, "a troubled heart."

Our Lord Jesus tells us something of the heart.  It will focus and center on that which it treasures, values most highly, longs for, "....[that on which your life centers]...."  The context of today's passage tells us of investment, "....Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where...," nothing can destroy or steal from us.  How many times do we hear of people who "lost everything."  The "lost" was victim of, "moth,..rust,...thieves...."

Then there are the people who sang, "Love Is A Many Splendid Thing," only to find out just how painful "destroyed" love can be.  Moreover, have you ever heard people say, "I live for....?"  Whatever follows will determine any lasting peace, security, happiness.  If one's life here is based upon, "....lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,.." nothing good will come from it.  That "lonely heart" will keep on hunting------ and never find.

In following verses, our Lord Jesus tells us that we, "....cannot serve God and...." He says, "No one can serve two masters; for he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other."  Again, it is, "no one."  We may have at times in our lives thought we could, and even attempted to, "serve two masters," but the Bible very clearly teaches that we can only have one master.  Living in total surrender to Jesus, He  then goes on to say, will lead a life of walking in victorious, " not worry about your life...."  If we serve Jesus, and Jesus only, we have no worries.  If I do worry, it just further reveals that I am attempting to, "serve two masters."

Surrender totally to Jesus and we will serve Jesus only, which means there is no room for serving another "master."  In the same chapter, Jesus tells us that, "If ...your eye is good (single, clear, sound), your whole body will be full of light."  If Jesus alone is our, "single, clear...Treasure," our, "single, clear," Master, there is no doubt that we will then walk in, "Therefore do not worry....Your Heavenly Father knows that you need...all these things...."  And, there is no doubt that they, "....shall be added to you."

Father, in Jesus' Name, Wow!  Your Words!  Amen.
* With Pastor Mike and Diane, and their congregation over the weekend, October 7, 8
* In DC, October 20   
* Please put a "post it" on your frig to pray for our Fall Mission, October 28-November 15
When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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