

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Here's Some "Victory Stuff"

"For sin shall not have dominion over you...."  (Romans 6:14a)

Most have probably never thought of it this way, but perhaps the most powerful sin in the Enemy's arsenal is to get you and me to give up in life.

I read Job 3 this morning and it appears in that chapter that Job was ready to "throw in the towel."  But we know he didn't.  I have known, however, those who have.  The so-called "sins of the flesh" we battle every day.  I think that sometimes the Enemy of our souls knows that religious people focus on the "obvious" sins in life, you know, the ones which most everyone would call sin.

Ah, but my dear friend, there are those sins of self-pity, discouragement, feelings of insecurity, and again, the most destructive, just give up, quit.  Yet many would look at a person enslaved to the self-centered sins and feel sorry for them, put their arms around them, tell them, "There, there."  I have shared with you before what our Lord Jesus said to me one afternoon in the summer of 1970, "You can sit here the rest of your life and pity yourself.  Or, you can get up and follow Me."  I did not need coddled.  I needed the promise that this, "....Sin shall not have the dominion over [you]."  That was a deliverance from the above mentioned sins.

"For sin shall not have the dominion over you...."  Stand on/in this, "God-Breathed," declaration, "....SIN SHALL NOT HAVE THE DOMINION OVER [ME]."  Bitterness, despair, anger, discouragement, self-pity, "....shall not have the dominion over you...."  Too many look at and call "sin" as what the other guy has.  We need to look at, "....the sin which so easily besets us," square in the "face" and say to it, "[You] shall not have dominion over [me]." 

We can walk in the reality of our text, not because of our determination, but because of, "the blood of His Cross", Jesus' Blood, Jesus' Death, Jesus' Resurrection.
  There's a lot of talk in these days of "declaration."  We need more of the declaration, "For sin shall NOT have the dominion over you...."

Father, in Jesus' Name, too many times I just seem to accept "sin."  You said I don't have to.  Thank You that Your Truth is, "....Sin shall not have the dominion over you."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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