

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

KTBTIB Nottingham sent you a video

"If it had not been the Lord Who was on our side--LET ISRAEL NOW SAY-- if it had not been the Lord Who was on our side..., then.., then.., then...." (From Psalm 124:1-4, ESV)

This includes, of course, you and me.

There are many opinions as to just what these Psalms were written for, but it is for sure that they were written for the People of The Covenant, People of Jesus Christ.  They are to me "reminder Psalms," Psalms which tell me to remember and never forget that, "If it had not been the Lord Jesus Christ who was on [my] side...," well, unimaginable.

I was reading/listening to my Psalms today, 121-125.  I cannot tell you the blessed time I had, and am still having.  The version is not that important, but it happened to be in the ESV.  I kept wondering why I was "experiencing" what I was.  It does not surprise me, of course; the Words are the very Breath of, "The Word of God," Jesus.  I highly recommend you give it a try.  Now if you are so inclined to say, "O, I've done that before," well, so have I, many, many times.  But remember the nature of, "God-Breathed," Words, "....They are life to those who find them, and medicine to all their flesh."  They are, "alive and active...."  I think the word can be, fresh.
Psalm 124 was of particular blessing this morning.  Our text seemed to be shouting out to me, "If it had not been the Lord...."  Whatever follows those words in life, the answer is still the same: "I don't want to think about it."  Those persons or things, "....would have swallowed us alive....The flood would have swept us away....Then over us would have gone the raging waters.

But, ah, my friend, "Blessed be the Lord Jesus Who has not given us as prey to their teethWe have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowlers....Our help is in the Name of the Lord [Jesus Christ], Who made heaven and earth."

Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You so much for, well, right now.  Amen.

KTBTIB Nottingham has shared a video with you on YouTube

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