

Thursday, June 8, 2017

"Where Were You When..............."

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earthTell Me, if you know understanding." (Job 38:4, NASB, today's Wisdom Literature reading)

This is the same response our Lord Jesus Christ gives today-------  to the Bill Mahers, your agnostic friends, and any "back-sliders," in the Church: "Where were you....?

The reality of human life, however, is that we were not, "Where...," nor, "....when...."  The Bible says, "....We see through a glass darkly," or, "dimly," literally, "in a riddle, enigma," and it is a, "riddle," which no one can figure out.  This is classic Divine understatement, because we, "see," so very, very little.  I think the reality is that for most of life's moments, we just do not, "....see through," period.

Job's, "miserable comforters," thought they could, "....see through a glass...."  Job made no such claim.  Rather, we get from Job that he was basically just confused with what he "saw," and fundamentally admitted such.  I have said before that the response of the Godhead to Job may seem to many as a sort of "cold" response, a non-"loving" response, insensitive.  Well, if someone wants to go there, bon voyage.  The truth is, it was the only response Job, and you, and me could "handle."  The questions and issues which are raised in the Book of Job, in the rest of Scripture, in philosophy class and the water cooler have no "answer."
What are you attempting to, "see through," today?  Only, "God-Breathed," Words will give us any vision of the reality, the truth which you and I can handle.  I was not in the, "Where," nor the, "when," of which God spoke to Job.  I am here.  That is about all you and I can deal with now, and here's a thought--- maybe ever.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I was not, "Where," nor, "when," but I am "now" in You in Jesus.  Thank You for bringing me into Your, "Where," and, "when."  Amen.
Comey testimony is embarrassing "fake news" outlets:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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