

Friday, February 17, 2017

"....The Place of Our Sanctuary"

"A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary."  (Jeremiah 17:12)

I read the 17th chapter of Jeremiah at what they call, "Ezra's Platform" in "David's Tent," Washington, DC.  I spent some time in "the tent" this past Wednesday evening, in prayer, worship, "reflection."  What a glorious time to read and have imparted to me, "A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary."  The, "glorious high throne," of Jesus Christ, "is the place of our sanctuary."  Webster defines "sanctuary" as, "a place of refuge or safety."  Regardless, both the "secular" and Biblical meaning refer to a "place."  Personally, I prefer the definition, "place of refuge or safety," rather than some sanctimonious definition.  I'm obviously still "working on" this.

The, "throne," is, "glorious," because of, "....Him Who sits on the Throne," Father, Son Jesus, "....the Lamb...," and Holy Spirit.  This, "Throne," and only this, "Throne... is the place of our sanctuary."  This is our "home" and dwelling, "A glorious high throne from the beginning...."  There is no greater blessing today than to be children who have as, "....our sanctuary", the very Throne of the Universe.

This was a very costly mission.  I had to take a taxi twice (a first for me) to get to various events on time.  I have often noticed "the suits" in DC taking cabs as though they were driving their own cars, no thought about expense, etc.  I remember thinking how expensive a cab is in Washington, DC, compared to, for instance, Berlin, when I felt the Lord Jesus spoke to me heart, "You are about Government Business" ("My Father's Business"?).  It was then that I remembered the great prophetic word which I heard once decades ago, "You are sons of My Presence."  I shall never forget that.  Jesus lives in you and me, and this, my friend, is what Presence is all about, you and I continually in His Presence,  we are, "Sons"/Daughters of His Presence."

Everywhere I walked, slept, ate, both cabs, the CSCE (aka, OSCE) meeting, outside the White House while Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and American President, Donald Trump, were meeting inside, everywhere the sole of my foot trod I was bearing Jesus' Presence.  Of course the Godhead is Omnipresent, which means He is always where I or you are not.  But in The Holy Spirit, there is a particular manifestation and power in the Church of the Presence of God.  Bonhoeffer referred to the Church as Christ's Physical Presence in the Earth.  Now that may sound a bit too "high Church" to some, but I am sending you, separately, a portion of Charles Spurgeon's teaching on this.  You will find it not only Biblical, but very strengthening and encouraging.  "A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary."  Doesn't that taste good?!?

Father, in Jesus' Name, I cannot fathom the reality that You live in me.  Amen.   

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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