

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"Delight, Desire, Pleasure, Precious"

"Blessed is the man who...delight[s] (from Hebrew for, "pleasure, desire," translated elsewhere, "precious") the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night."  (From Psalm 1:1, 2-- the beginning of a month's Psalms reading)

The key here is, "delight ('desire, pleasure, precious')," and, "day and night."  Any "Blessed," which seems to be ours today, and which does not find us walking in our text, is a the proverbial, "fool's paradise," deceptive, illusory.  Do not let the religious pundits deceive.  Without, " the Law of the Lord," there can be no, "Blessed."  I tremble at the thought of where and what I might be.  I could say, If you think I'm whatever now, without, "the Words of God," I would be nothing but, as another verse in Psalm 1 says, " the chaff which the wind drives away."

Much of modern Christendom has it backwards.  The Bible calls, "Blessed," the person who, "in His law...meditates day and night."  Many claim that "blessing" is in "sowing seed" and getting a great "harvest," or some great "worship event," prayer gathering, serving the poor.  There is definitely Biblical basis for this, yet for too many it is some "answer" to prayers, which for many is code for, Cadillac.  Psalm 1 tells us that blessings come to those whose life is totally committed to, "the Words of God." 

I have quoted before what I once heard Derek Prince say: "God is committed to His Word, and as we are committed to His Word, God is committed to us."  This could be a paraphrase of our text.  What is your "need" today?  You may have what seem to be unanswered prayers as we spoke of Job yesterday.  You may have cried out, or are crying out what Job said, "O, that I know where I might find Him, that I might come to His seat!"  I can tell you that you will, "find," Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit is in His Words.  No one can, "find Him," apart from His Words.  This is why the Church so desperately needed The Reformation, and could greatly use another "one."  Separate Jesus from, "blessings," or "favor," worship, prayer, serving the poor, missions any promise which is ours in the Kingdom, from, "....his delight is in the law of the Lord," and there is no, "....tree planted by the rivers of water."

Today, what is your, "delight ('desire, pleasure, precious')"?

Father, in Jesus' Name, how I thank You for planting me, through Your Words, " the rivers of water."  Amen.
We have located a place to stay in Berlin.  Any prayers appreciated.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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