

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"Blessed Is The Man Whose Strength Is In Thee"

"They have said, 'Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more'....Deal with them as with Midian....O my God, make them like the whirling dust....Blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee." (From today's Psalm reading, 83 & 84)

The Open Doors Prayer Force country today is North Korea.  There are reports that Followers of Jesus in the prison camps have resorted to eating raw snakes, rats, frogs.  I once said to a friend of mine who had been in prison in East Europe for the Name of Jesus, "I don't know what I would do."  He said, "No one does."  Never forget the truth of that.  This is a moment by moment walk in Jesus, not some periodic bluster.  Lord Jesus, comfort and strengthen our suffering Brethren in North Korea.

Along with family and friends, etc., I pray for nations.  I pray our text for nations and leaders.  The majority of humanity wants what the enemies of Israel wanted/want, "Let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel (and the Church and Jesus) be remembered no more."  Good luck with that, enemies of the Cross!  Jesus tells us, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will by no means pass away," which includes the Church and His People.  Do you have that?  Are you trusting your life in Those Words, in the, "Word of God," Himself today?  "Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

You and I have very little idea just how much intervention and how many times the Lord Jesus has done what the psalmist prayed, "Deal with them...."  The interventions in our families, our businesses, our governments.  How many times there must be that our Lord Jesus, "deal[t] with them."  So many times all we see is the "unanswered prayers," events which did not go the way we wanted, the suffering instead of relief, people getting "worse" instead of "better."  Yet our Lord Jesus was and is "dealing," making our enemies, "like the whirling dust."

Jesus, "is my Shepherd," your Shepherd.  If we ever forget just that, we will go the way of a hopeless humanity, in despair, bitterness, defeat.  If, on the other hand, we continue to believe, trust in, rely on, and obey our Lord Jesus, we will then know the power of the last sentence of our text, "Blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I am, "Blessed," because You are my Strength.  Amen.
It may seem like a long way off, but please remember to pray for our October Berlin Mission. 

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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