

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Proverbs 31

"She does him good and not evil all the days of her life."  (Proverbs 31:12)

This is so true of my Mom and Sarah.  I could not have asked for better examples and treatment throughout my 70 years.  I really don't think they had to think about this, go to conferences about this, attend seminars on how to treat your husband, etc., etc.  This is just who Mom was and Sarah is. Support, encouragement, advice, check, Mom and Sarah were/are very good at this.  And only our Lord knows just how much I needed/need them.  I encourage all women today to consider Proverbs 31.  If you feel as though this does not describe you enough, it is never too late.

The first nine verses of Proverbs 31 is the advice of a mother to her son, who happens to be a king.  It too is great advice.  If anyone thinks the Bible marginalizes women, they must not be reading the Bible.  The Word of God reveals just how central a woman is to those around her, not just her family.

Father, in Jesus' Name, help me to serve in the same manner to others.  Amen.

We went to the Berliner Dom this evening, the main Protestant Church Building in Berlin, and joined a sizable crowd celebrating the 496th Anniversary of the Reformation.  I am hoping to be able to send a video of some of the service at some point. 
What a treat to celebrate a Reformation Anniversary in the heart of the Reformation.  Will send photo separately.

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