

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Happy Are Those Who Hear It Read"

"Happy is the man who reads this prophecy and happy are those who hear it read and pay attention to its message; for the time is near." (Revelation 1:3, J. B. Phillips)

The word, "happy," here is translated, "Blessed," in most translations.  It means, "supremely blessed, happy, to be envied."  The NIV says, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophesy...."  I highly recommend this.  It is a sort of what the Book of Hebrews says, "Hold fast the profession of our faith." 

I want to say to any spiritual superstars that God apparently has no problem in offering His People happiness.  That's what the Biblical word, "blessed," means, and you find it throughout Scriptures.  Of course it is not some giddy emotion which passes almost as soon as in comes to us.  The, "happy/ blessed," of our text is the deep, "God-Breathed," life-sustaining Happiness.

"....and happy are those who hear it read...."  There are some who just have an anointing in reading aloud the Scriptures.  When I hear that, I am happy.  When I read through the Bible in a little over a month back in 1970 just after our son died, I experienced happiness, but not a "happiness" which many think of as "happiness."  It was the happiness of a powerless life infused with the power in God's Words, a power to sustain, to build up, an "injection" of the very life of the Godhead.  I guess any attempt to describe it further would not succeed.  But His Words are "happiness injection," a happiness which humanity can only know in Jesus Christ, Who Is, "The Word of God."  Jesus spoke much of this happiness while He walked The Land in the first century.  It is sad that so many people reject Jesus and His Words when He so often said that following and obeying Him brings what everyone in life desires so much---------------- happiness.

".... and happy are those who hear it read...."  Humanity listens to so much "reading," wh ether it be the reading of lines in a motion picture, soap opera, news anchors or pundits, sermons, Christian television, etc., etc.  What kind of happiness does such "readings" bring you?  What makes you "happy" when you hear it read?  The Words of God do that.  Could we even say that they are intended to do that?   All are, "God-Breathed," and all are intended to release the life of Jesus Christ in us-------- happiness!

If you have not yet read a Bible passage today, just take one, anyone and read it allowed or have someone read a passage to you.  There, the happiness you have been seeking has just been released.

Father, in Jesus' Name, there is no happiness apart from You.  In You, there is nothing but happiness.  Amen.
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Prayer for Father's Will in:
Funds, visa issues
Prayer Watch Times
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When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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