

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"People Get the Government They Deserve" (Derek Prince)

"I have hated the assembly of evildoers, and will not sit with the wicked."  (Psalm 26:5)

People in Jesus Christ do not hate, "evildoers," or, "the wicked."  First, we are commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ to love all people.  Second, we are also evil and wicked without the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Our righteousness is "an alien righteousness."  He comes from without to within the heart of all who repent and obey Him.  The key word in our text is, "assembly."

There is a lot of talk today about the demographic change in America.  It is akin to something I wrote about in my college days.  The illegal immigrant, naturalized citizens of recent years which put Obama over the top in yesterday's election is not the same as those who came to the United States in the early 20th century and before.  Before the last 40 years, most people came to America to be a part of America.  Now people are coming to change America------- they have and will.  Furthermore, along with most baby boomers and some of the older generation, there are many people in America who just do not like what they were handed; the last two Presidential elections confirm this.  They too are doing everything they can to make the USA into something you and I do not want.
  I call them, "the assembly of evildoers."  What I saw in today's text is that there is something more dangerous than, "evildoers"; it's the, "assembly of," them.  Unless we have Christ-centered, Holy Spirit empowered, Biblical revival/transformation, an America is emerging which none of the people of the early 20th century and before would recognize.     

This American election was not about the Democrat Party or Barack Obama.  It was about the ever increasing, "assembly of evildoers."  Some might think this a "stretch" of our text, but I don't.  Notice, the hatred is toward, "the assembly of evildoers," not the evildoers themselves.  Could this mean the "atmosphere" of evildoers, i.e., evil thinking and evildoing similar to the "assembly" at Babel?  Over the last 12 years I have watched this, "assembly of evildoers," in Washington, DC.  Over the last 40 years I have watched this growing, "assembly of evildoers," in the American culture at large.  It is why I have tried to obey my calling as intercessor and faithful proclaimer of Jesus Christ, His Words, His Kingdom.  Our primary call is still, "preach the Gospel to every creature," and, "disciple the nations."   

The question for you and me is, Now what?  I am going to continue to feed on Jesus Christ, " The Word of God," and His Words.  I will continue to intercede; I will continue to serve and to love in the power and grace of, "the Helper," His Blessed Majesty, the Holy Spirit.  And, I will not quit.

Father, in Jesus' Name, You have kept Your People throughout history in despotic governments and "friendly" governments.  I know You Who never change will continue to do so.  Amen.

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When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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