

Friday, June 1, 2012

So You Believe You're Praying?

"Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart....Because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me." (Luke 18:1 & 5)

The NASB says in verse one, "and not give up."  Another expression of, "lose heart," or, "give up," is, "What's the use?"  More Christians are defeated by this attitude than perhaps any other.  We need to fight this demonic reaction with everything that is in us.  This introduction to what Jesus is to say about prayer kind of says it all, "Men should always pray...."-------------- ALWAYS.  What have you stopped praying about?  Have you given up?  Remember George Mueller who prayed 52 years for one of his friends to come to Jesus.  The man finally did come to Jesus, but it was after Mueller's death!  

In Luke 18:1 Jesus tells us that we, "should always pray and not give up."  In verse 5, however, Jesus tells us how to pray.  The NASB footnote gives the literal translation of, "weary me," as, "hit me under the eye."  The NIV says, "so that she won't eventually come and attack me!"  The Interlinear gives the meaning of the phrase as, "bruise, worry, exhaust, strike under the eye, treat severely, molest, annoy, harass."  I have one question for you and me today: Does this describe our relationship with the Living Triune God?  Now some may say that this is disrespectful, or presumptuous.  I say, Well, just consider Him Who invites us to such praying!

So many people complain that God does not answer their prayers, but I wonder if so much "unanswered prayers" are due to halfhearted praying.  The language Jesus uses in our text implies struggle, fighting, pressing in, won't stop until the answer comes.  Now many times we excuse unanswered prayers by saying, "Well, it must not have been God's will or timing"----------- or some other such rationalization.  I have no such excuse.  Yes, there have been times of great, intense praying.  I remember once that Dick Simmons and I prayed on Capitol Hill, right across from the Supreme Court Building, for 11 hours straight.  Another time I was in the Senate Gallery when they announced a circuit court's decision to eliminate "under God" from the American Pledge of Allegiance.  I got up, walked straight across to the Supreme Court Building and declared, yes, declared that such humanism would not rule in our land; it did not.

I am not suggesting to you today a certain "length" of time, or "intensity," or any other "how to" in prayer.  But we today need to remember, call to mind the times when such a fighting spirit was in us, when we would not leave "the Throne Room" until we got an answer.  I will continue this in a video later. 

Father, in Jesus' Name, there is no doubt that I, "have not, because [I] ask not," at least in the way You command me.  Holy Spirit, help me to, "always pray and not give up."  Amen.
See how you can view the movie on America's involvement in the UN at:
Unreached People Group of the Day:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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