

Monday, May 28, 2012

"To Him Who Laid Out the Earth Above the Waters...."

"To Him who laid out the earth above the waters, for His mercy endures forever...." (Psalm 136:6)

It is a peaceful, tranquil setting here, a constant sound of wind and waves, waves which continue to come ashore, a scene which has been repeating itself since creation.  Man comes and goes.  Two of the photos below are from a site of ancient Mayan ruins; they are only about 4600 years old.  The beautiful sight and sound of waves coming ashore, the refreshing breeze, birds flying, however, predate even the ancient Mayans.

The first part of Psalm 136 just extols the Great Hand of the Creator.  Most of the second part extols His mighty acts of deliverance.  I quoted from Psalm 24 in the wedding ceremony, "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell thereinFor He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters."  I told those present that what we could see around us as well as ourselves, " the Lord Jesus Christ's....He...founded it..,and He established it...." 

And so I remind you and me today, another day, a day 4600 years removed from the "inception" of an ancient culture, Jesus, "laid out the earth above the waters."  They are His, and we are His, even those who do not acknowledge Him.  They may be lost, without the forgiveness of sin, and bound for, "the Judgment," yet they nonetheless are among, "and all its fulness...."---------------------------- "for His mercy endures forever."

Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You that I am Yours.  Amen.
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