

Thursday, December 29, 2011

There Are "Foreigners...In Our Streets"

"Reach down your hand from on high; deliver me and rescue me from the mighty waters, from the hands of foreigners....Then...there will be no breaching of walls, no going into captivity, no cry of distress in our streets." 
(From Psalm 144:7 & 14, NIV)

The first part of our text is repeated in verse 11, "....rescue me from...the hands of foreigners."  A "foreigner" to me is any person who rejects Jesus Christ as, "King of kings, and Lord of lords," His Atoning Blood of His Cross, His Second Appearing.  I love them, pray for their conversion, reach out to them, and as far as it is in me, am kind to them.  They are, nonetheless, as with David, "foreigners." Many of these, "foreigners," precipitate the prayer, "deliver me and rescue me," because they are attempting to not only destroy me, but also wreak havoc in nations, and, in the case of the US, destroy Constitutional Law.  

I have posted to our "News, Commentary" Blog what may seem to some as a very controversial article.  It reveals, "distress in our streets."  It is of a highly sensitive nature only because of the humanist philosophy that a certain segment of a society is totally responsible for the ills of that society-- as in the accusation of the so-called "Occupy Wall Street" debacle-- and all others are justified in what- ever they do.  America, as all nations, is guilty of national sins.  The article is a constant reminder that unless there is national repentance, national disaster results, a disaster which cannot be reversed. 

Our text is a cry of the psalmist for personal and national deliverance from hooliganism.  The global events of the last year have revealed just how ever- growing and dangerous are these, "foreigners."  And while their evil will continue to spread, it is the responsibility of the Church of Jesus Christ to pray for men and nations, "From the deadly sword deliver me; rescue me from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful."  

It brings the accusation of prejudice and bigotry to say that no people group is without sin, no people group is justified in sinful behavior.  Yet sin is sin; rebellion is rebellion, and the Living Triune God will deal with all those who pursue such a life style.  What 2012 will bring in the US and the global community no one knows.  What we can know, however, is that, "Jesus is Lord," and all who seek deliverance and refuge in Him will rest in His Eternal love and care.

Father, in Jesus' Name, "From the deadly sword deliver me (and our nations); rescue me (and our nations) from...foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful."  Amen.
News, Commentary:
Unreached Peoples:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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