

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beware, "Kitchen Religion, A Potluck Religious Stew"

"I've made myself available to those who haven't bothered to ask.  I'm here, ready to be found by those who haven't bothered to look.  I kept saying 'I'm here, I'm right here' to a nation that ignored me. I reached out day after day to a people who turned their backs on me, people who make wrong turns, who insist on doing things their own way.  They get on my nerves, are rude to my face day after day, make up their own kitchen religion, a potluck religious stew." (Is. 65, The Message) 

Recent devotionals have been from my General Epistles readings.  In light of the recent events in the Middle East, I want to look at some of the Old Testament writings which I have read in recent weeks.  

Today's text speaks to not only Jews, but also Gentile nations as well.  The Old Testament is not writings just to a "chosen people."  The Words of God are to all humanity.  Enoch and Noah were not Jews.  Abraham's descendants became a family, later called Jews, Hebrews, and Israel.  But it was never God's intent to just deal with Jews as a "race" or some isolated preferred people.  Perhaps failure to understand this could be partly the reason so much of Gentile Christianity fails to recognize the Old Testament just as central to present events as everything in the New Testament.  This is, "kitchen religion, a potluck religious stew."

"A nation that ignored religion, a potluck religious stew"----- This is modern America, maybe not so much in church meetings, conferences, seminars, etc., but in the market place, the schools, the government, Wall Street and media.  I never cease to be amazed at our government leaders, especially Presidents, who talk of being, "born again," photographed carrying their Bibles coming out of church meetings, even the current one claiming to be a believer in Jesus Christ, having been baptized, etc., yet advocates the murder of the unborn, approves homosexuality, and whose policy towards Israel is about as far from The Word of God as one can get.  He and his Secretary of State, "insist on doing things their own way."  I can hear God say, "they get on my nerves." 

How America, and all nations, deal with current events in the Middle East will determine their end.  "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.  All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides sheep from the goats."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I pray every day will be a day of "recipe" consultation.  Amen,   
Prophetic Video:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2            

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