

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Bible Takes on "Liberalism"

"Abram was very rich...." (Genesis 13:2a)

Biblically there is nothing wrong with being rich or making money.  The biggest propaganda of the American Democrat Party and other "leftist" organizations is that the "rich people" are the reason for American woes.  The reality is that the rest of us have the most enviable country in the world because historically in America there were people who were willing to take risks so that the rest of the population would have corporations and companies to work for.  The almost laughable philosophy being lauded by such organizations as MSNBC and played upon constantly by the Democrat Party is that the American government should steal what the rich have taken risks to obtain, what they have earned, and give it to people who produce nothing but complaints about the producers of whatever riches America has.  Now we can give all the exceptions and talk of greed and corruption, but it is not just the sin of the rich.  The joke, "There are two kinds of people: Those who are rich and those who want to be," is the plague of the human race.  Why do you see so many "poor" people standing in line for lottery tickets?!?

Abraham was rich because God made him rich.  Abraham's wealth is referred to Biblically as, "the blessing of Abraham," and, this blessing is the blessing of the Gentiles also when any Gentile surrenders to Jesus Christ.  If the "have-nots" are receiving help today, it because of the "haves."  All the mission work in the world is supplied by "have" people.  Now I'm not speaking just of millionaires.  I'm speaking of anyone who has more than they need to "pay the bills" and live comfortably.  I heard a historian once say that the richest kings of the Middle Ages did not have what the average American has today.  Wealth is relative.  Jesus did not say that money is the evil.  The Bible says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil."  Jesus simply said that you cannot serve money and Father at the same time.  The sin is serving money, not having money.
In fact, having money is a blessing from the Blessed Trinity.

Okay, you were probably not expecting such a "devotional" today.  But this is Biblical.  This is also historic reality.  Don't let anyone ever tell you that any government program, programs sponsored by people who are not producing anything, but are only taking from those who do, is "compassionate" concern and care for the poor.  If they had such, why are some of the most stingy people in our culture the liberal politicians who are all too quick to spend someone else's money, but not their own?  Communist/Socialism philosophy is not of God.  It is sinners who produce nothing taking from sinners who do.  "All have sinned."  Yes, the rich will have to give an account at the, "Judgment Seat of Christ," just as anyone.  But in Biblical Theology, you and I are responsible for our giving.  The government is not.

Father, in Jesus' Name, "Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your law."  Amen.
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When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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