

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Got Immovability?

"Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever." (Psalm 125:1)

The Enemy of mankind has been trying to "move" us from absolute trust in Jesus Christ to absolute trust in our, "
own understanding," since the Garden.  This same choice is continually before us.  Our immovability depends on our choice.

Some time ago a person who had never read the Bible, but tried to give it a go, said to me, "But all those names and places, I just couldn't make any sense out of it."  I said, "I don't read the Bible to make sense of it.  I read it to get
His Sense into me."  How much "stuff" in life really makes "sense" to us anyway?  Going through the Historic Books especially, one encounters one war after another, battles, people fighting for revenge, territory, etc.  Then there are the prophets, comforting, relating the glorious promises of the Holy Trinity, but also issuing some of the sternest rebukes and judgments imaginable. 

You and I have a very simple choice today.  We can give up on the Bible for the same or similar reasons given by the person mentioned above, or stay in Him, yes,
Him, The Word of God, Jesus Christ.  The slave does not question the Master.  If he does, the slave is no longer a slave, and the Master is no longer his Master.  "Blind obedience?"  Call it what you must. 

40 years ago next month, my life was in the lowest depths, depths which I could not then, nor yet even today imagine.  I just started reading the same Bible, yes, with all the names, places, battles, intrigue, adultery, murder, scandal, "back room" deals, etc., which everyone else encounters in the same pages.  The reason I survived that very, very deep valley and still survive to this day is not that I understand any more than our friend; perhaps just more desperate.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I freely confess today that my only hope for immovability is You, and You only.  Amen.
Read of America's Great Appeasement Policy @:

When, Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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