

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pre Fall: God Joins Together-- Post Fall: Man Separates

"Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."  (Mark 10:9)
The word translated, "joined together," has its root meaning in, "union."  In the preceding verse, Jesus says, "and the two shall become ('exist' as) one flesh"---Two becoming one, two in union.  
Our text reveals a principle, however, which goes beyond husband and wife.  God joins together; man separates.  Yet the Living Triune God intended man to live and walk in union with Himself-- and, one another.  Marriage was to be a living witness to this.  Jesus expounds on this, "joined together," principle in John 15.  Jesus tells us that life is in perfect order when we walk in His purpose and command for our lives, "....abide in Me, and My words abide in you."  Union theology is overlooked by far too many in Christendom today.  It could explain a lot.  
Man separated Himself from the Blessed Trinity in the Garden.  The Tempter convinced Adam and Eve that man could do life better on his own, as his own god.  The feminist movement of the last 40+ years has been driven by the same Satanic principle--- "Who needs a man!"  The politically correct culture praises the independence of women as some sort of new age religion.  Congratulations to both.  History reveals just how well separation theology has worked.  Yet in contrast to this Satanic principle stands the purpose of God for a man and woman--- "God has joined together," so, "let not, "man separate." And, it is the same purpose for all humanity-- "....Abide in me, and My words abide in you...."--------------"let not man separate"!!! 
Someone once said that "following the path of least resistance makes both men and rivers crooked."  The "path of least resistance" is to bypass that which frustrates my control of my life and life around me, whether it be another person or God Himself.  The path of Jesus Christ is the path of embracing and surrendering to Jesus Christ and His words, the Government of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the earth, abiding, living, remaining in me.
"Father, in Jesus' Name, "That good thing which was committed to" me, help me to, "keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in [me]."  Amen.
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