

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Then, What Are You Prepared To Do?"

"Why do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my handsThough He slay me, yet will I trust Him." (Job 13:14, 15) 
"Take my flesh in my teeth."  This was a desperate soul.
During the film, "The Untouchables," Jimmy Malone asks Elliot Ness several times, "What are you prepared to do."  The first time the aging Chicago cop asks the question, Ness responds with some text book answer.  Malone responds, "Then what are you prepared to do?!?"  When Malone says that "they won't give up the fight until one of you is dead," he then asks, "Do you want to do that?  Are you ready to do that?"  Malone was taking Ness beyond the text book.
Desperation will take you where nothing else will.  Most religious text books will help in average problems.  But "then, what are you prepared to do."  The NLT translates our text, "Yes, I will take my life in my hands and say what I really think.  God might kill me, but I cannot wait.  I am going to argue my case with Him."  This is the response of a truly desperate, yet righteous soul.  "In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong....In all this Job not sin with his lips."  But he did go where few people are willing to go.  He pressed into the Living Triune God with abandon. 
We who live in Jesus Christ and trust Jesus Christ are those who can live in the, "then, what are you prepared to do?"  Text books and religious cliches have limitations, but we go beyond them.  We can overcome "then-s" in life.
Father, in Jesus' Name, only You are "my Light and Salvation," and because You are, "Whom (and what) shall I fear."  Amen.
See Article about Hilary cozying up to Muslims:
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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