

Monday, April 13, 2009

"The Lord...Has Appeared"

"The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared...." (Luke 24:34)
Just after the rise to power of Joseph Stalin in Russia, the murderous dictator herded a group of Russian pastors into a stadium for public execution, but not before he gave a tirade on the stupidity and idiocy of Christianity.  When he ended, he allowed any pastor who wished to recant his faith in Jesus to step forward.  One elderly pastor was brought to the microphone in the packed stadium where he simply shouted, "He is risen!"  The rest of the condemned pastors responded with a resounding, "He is risen indeed!"
Yesterday many people in America gave this traditional Easter greeting and response under bright, sunny, Sunday skies, just prior to a feast of ham, potatoes, green beans, etc., with family and friends.  Yet many around the world declared, "He is risen," under repressive regimes, hiding, in prisons, alone, without family and friends.  And make no mistake; there are still "Stalins" in the earth, and those yet to come.  They will come in many guises, many ways, mocking, threatening, murdering.  "He is risen!"-- has won the victory through the centuries, and will keep the victory until the Risen One, Jesus Christ, returns. 
Father, in Jesus' Name, I rejoice in my Risen Savior.  May the rejoicing never cease.  Amen.
New, Commentary:
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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