

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Wow, Was That Deep" Should Be Replaced With Just, "Wow"

"For all the Athenians and the foreigners who were there spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing." Acts 17:21)
Early on, "some new thing," began to drive the Charismatic renewal.  Exactly when that began, no one can say for sure, but childlike hunger for the things of Jesus Christ began to gave way to one meeting attempting to "top" the next.  And as the meetings could not keep up the hype, the "renewal" became the, "same old."  Mega churches replaced home meetings; time driven "order" replaced a Spirit-filled spontaneity; the big names replaced the no names; and hunger for one-ups-man-ship superceded hunger for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.  I saw the first temple.  The second is less glorious.
I am not interested in the "new thing" culture."  The Bible tells us, "there is nothing new under the sun," anyway.  An inordinate desire "to hear some new thing," a desire for "deeper revelation" has presided over the death of many a renewal and revival.  I often heard in those early days, "Wow, was that deep."  Search the Bible, and you will find that the Kingdom of God does not belong to the, "Wow that was deep."  It belongs to the--------- "Wow."
Father, in Jesus' Name, renew my sense of, "Wow."  Amen.
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