

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"The Holy Spirit...Given to Those Who Obey Him"

"And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him."  (Acts 5:32)
I once asked some people who were seeking the Baptism in the Holy Spirit if they were obeying Jesus Christ.  They, and those who were working with me, I might add, looked at me as though I had just come from another planet.  I admit that I had never before asked that question of a "seeker."  Our text reveals, however, its appropriateness.  Here is a fundamental Biblical principle: Obedience determines defeat or victory, rejection or acceptance in Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
I read a report the other day that "25% to 30% of people who identify as pro-life voted for Obama."  It said that "this is particularly true of younger evangelical voters, who voted in larger numbers for Obama than they did for Al Gore or John Kerry."  Another report says that "Barach Obama...won a majority of the Catholic vote despite differences...on abortion," aka, murder of the unborn.  The question all should continually ask is:  "How much disobedience to Jesus Christ and His "God-Breathed" Word, His revealed will, how much outright rejection of Biblical teaching can you have and still have a Christian?  This is an eternal life or death question. 
If the "God-Breathed" Word is my life, then I will conform to Him, obey Him, live and do everything, vote, love and treat my wife, my neighbor, do my work, absolutely everything in obedience to Jesus.  Jesus said, "If you love me, keep (literally, "guard") my commandments."  Life in Jesus Christ is the guarding of His Word in my life.  
Father, in Jesus Name, may obedience be my desire.  Whatever blessings you are pleased to bestow, I thank You.  Amen.   
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