

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Only Three Words, But in Those Three Words Is the Whole Secret of Life"

"....Looking unto Jesus...."  (Hebrews 12:2--KJB)

This command has been my salvation for most of my life.  I first came to the power of it about 50 years ago when my Dad introduced the church to a booklet by a French pietist, Theodore Monod, "Looking Unto Jesus."  The quote in the "subject" bar above is from him.  Just type in, "Looking Unto Jesus" by Theodore Monod, in your search bar and you will be able to read it.  It is quite short, but very, very powerful.  If you cannot access it, let me know.  You will never read anything better. 

Much of the late twentieth century church and certainly the early twenty-first century church has lost site of Jesus revealed in John 1:18, "
God, the One-Being, only revealed God."  In most circles He comes up in a few songs, closing of prayers, and catchy phrases.  In the "God-Breathed" Word, Jesus is Central. 

Why, "
Looking unto Jesus?"  He is the only One of the Godhead Whom mankind has ever seen.  "No one has seen God, but the only revealed God," they have seen.  It is He Whom man watched walk the earth, do acts of love, heal, deliver, receive; He was the King walking among men, going to the house of a hated tax collector, saving an adulteress from death, going out of His way to raise from the dead a widow's only son.  As the sinless Passover Lamb, He alone had Blood undefiled, pure, spotless, and by That Blood, His death, His resurrection I am forgiven of all sin, have my name in the "Book of Life," and will be "received up in glory."

I was out and about this morning taking care of some things, the car, etc., and was struck by the sadness in so much of humanity, a humanity looking to so many things, so many different heroes, pursuing so many illusive dreams.  But there is only one gaze which will cure the sin sick and saddened heart, "
Looking unto Jesus." 

Father, in Jesus' Name, my greatest Thanksgiving is for the gift of Yourself in Jesus Christ.  Amen.

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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