

Monday, September 29, 2008

"You Are My Friends--------------------------If...."

"You are My friends if you do whatever I command you." (John 15:14)
Many modern worship songs are half truths.  We love to sing and dance to the song, "He Calls Me Friend."  I carried an "American Federation of Musicians" membership card for over 8 years and can tell you that if we added a little syncopation, it could fit musically and lyrically to add, "if you do whatever I command you."  But then, of course, why would we want to do that and ruin everyone's fun?  
"You are My friends"--- there are no greater Words uttered in the history of man.  Yet this friendship is a covenantal friendship.  Now I have heard religious pundits and theologians over the years say that the nature of Biblical Covenants is all God.  I don't think so.  This great declaration, promise, blessing of the Word of God to the first disciples has the same "if" clause as most other covenants in the Bible-------- "If you will, then I will."  Any other interpretation of the nature of man's relationship with the Father in Jesus Christ is erroneous.   
If you have ever wondered why your friendship with Jesus Christ seems strained, distant, so "unfulfilling," perhaps you need to do an "obedience" check.  "You are My friends, if you do whatever I command you."  I love the, "My friends," part, but I must also constantly check the, "whatever I command you," part.  Anyway, in light of the preciousness of Friendship with and in Jesus Christ, why would I ever consider the "if" clause a negative?!?  It's a very, very small fleshly "price" for Such Friendship.        
Great Article on Netanyahu:
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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